Hillview Lodge opens doors to new residents | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

Hillview Lodge opens doors to new residents

dsc_0121.jpg “Nice and bright, I’m excited,” new Hillview Lodge resident Angie Gieck told The Mail last week as she was packing up her belongings getting ready to move to the new 8.8 million dollar senior care lodge on Riverside Drive in Drumheller. Mrs. Gieck and many of her fellow residents of the Drumheller and District Seniors Foundation moved into the recently completed 36 room facility on St. Patrick’s Day. Officially designated as a Designated Supportive Living Residence (DSL), it is designed to provide assisted care for seniors who require both “scheduled and unscheduled needs”, according to Janet Senior, Chief Administrative Officer, of the complex.
“This is one more step in providing care for our residents who may require aid for daily living such as bathing, transfers or medical assistance,” said Ms. Senior. “But,” she added, “this is a home and not an institution. We want to provide a residence that enables our residents to reflect on memories of their early life.” The 26,650 square foot building has a full service kitchen, nursing care stations, a library, several sunrooms, a beauty parlor, exercise area, and over 5,000 square feet in the basement for the mechanical room and storage. As well, there is a back-up power generating system that would provide what is necessary to supply power to the kitchen in order to cook meals, for both facilities in an emergency Five area municipalities both fund and manage the Foundation’s properties including the Sunshine Lodge and the cottages with a total of 191 residents under their care. The Town of Drumheller, Starland County and the Villages of Morrin, Munson and Delia are all equal partners and have provided funding for the new facility amounting to approximately 3.5 million dollars. Originally, according to board chair Allan Avramenko, the tender process attracted no bidders for the project. The board was then forced to go back to the provincial department of Seniors and Community Support for an additional 1.8 million dollars in funding. This was enough to attract bidders and the Calgary firm of Reed Atwood was contracted to do the construction. Former Drumhellerite Ron Boruk’s architectural firm did the drawings for the project. The health care portion of ongoing costs for the facility are paid for by the David Thompson Health Region. This includes funding for staff costs for personal care to the residents. Board member Dave Vanderkolk from Munson, added the new building was designed for the seniors of tomorrow, meaning they will be able to provide care to a more technologically savvy and ageing population. “We have two residents in our complex who are over 100 and over 20 residents are in their 90’s. As people live longer, we have to be able to respond to their needs,” said Mr. Vanderkolk. Residents rooms are approximately 330 square feet in size, including the wheelchair accessible bathrooms. Each contains a sink, microwave, closet and residents are encouraged to look after their needs but help is available at all levels. Chairman Avramenko told The Mail the new facility is aimed at allowing seniors to receive this expanded level of care within their own community, and not have to go elsewhere. “We are providing the level of housing that is needed for our seniors.” Ms. Senior is equally proud of her role in seeing the building being planned and developed in response to the needs of the community. “I am so happy to see the building through to its completion.” she added. A date for a grand opening for Hillview Lodge has not been set yet. And Angie, who told us she was over 60 and under 90 years, said she was excited to be one of the first residents after having viewed her new room last week. “It’s nice and bright, lots of sunlight and everything looks great! I am excited to be there.” Way to go Angie, enjoy your time there.



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