Just like the Oilers, it's in 'next year country' | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 10 Jan 2025 12pm

Just like the Oilers, it's in 'next year country'

highway-9.jpgIt appears drivers on Highway 9 heading west of Drumheller will have another year to become even more familiar with the bone rattling stretch of road crossing Highway 21.

Great progress has been made on Highway 9 west of Drumheller over the last half decade as widening, straightening and resurfacing of the road from Drumheller beyond Highway 836 (Carbon Corner) has been completed. Last year the improvement program continued from Beiseker, heading east for 16 kilometres towards Highway 21. A 14-kilometre stretch between these two projects that transverses Highway 21 remains unimproved, and chances are, it will remain for another season.“We are currently working on a right of way purchase…when we get the right of way purchased, we are hoping to get the project done,” said Alan Griffith construction manager for Alberta Transportation in Red Deer. “It is unlikely it will get constructed this year, you never know, they may tender it, but it won’t be anytime soon.”The stretch still remains on the three-year plan for Alberta Transportation. Griffith said they are working on engineering and design. When the project is completed, the intersection of Highway 9 and Highway 21 will be improved.“It is a major project to upgrade that highway, it is not a little fix,” he said. While it is unlikely ground will be broken on this stretch this year, Fred Lee, construction engineer for Alberta Transportation, in Calgary, says they will continue heading south from Beiseker to near Highway 566. Caliber Systems of Calgary has been contracted for the construction. This project has a value of about $20 million for the 20-kilometre stretch. The Mail welcomes feedback, tell us what you think about the delay of final construction on Highway 9.news@drumhellermail.ca








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