Election date set for October 14 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 06 Sep 2024 5pm

Election date set for October 14

Two weeks of anticipation ended on Sunday, as Prime Minister Harper asked the Governor General to dissolve parliament, signaling a fall election.
    The date of October 14 has been set for the next federal election and already in the Crowfoot constituency, the candidates from three major parties are lining up to be counted.
    Kevin Sorenson, of the Conservative Party of Canada has represented the district since 2000. In the 2006 general election he won with more than 82 per cent of the popular vote. He says they are ready for an election.

    “It’s not like we are just starting this, we’ve been working hard all the time, even during the minority government,” he says. “I think we’re ready.”
    Recent polls have shown there is a possibility of the Conservatives winning a majority. Nationally these polls place the Liberals in second place, and that is the direction Sorenson aims his rhetoric.
    “We are going to be asking a couple of questions, first of all, “Who do you want leading our country? Do you want the experience and the known commodity of Stephen Harper, or do you want Stephane Dion? I think Canadians will be very clear in the answer to that,” said Sorenson. “We are going to be asking at the time of global economic turmoil, who do you want at the helm?”
    While Sorenson takes aim at the Liberal Party, in Crowfoot, it was actually the New Democratic Party that placed second in the riding in the 2006 election. Ellen Parker garnered 3,875 votes for 7.4 per cent of the voters in the riding. She was nominated in March 2007 to run in her third election for the party. She says the main issues are the economy, health care and the environment.
    “You can put them in any order, they are all related to each other, and they are all becoming more and more prominent,” she said.
    She says she has been ready for an election since she was nominated a year and a half ago.
    “Frankly, the sooner the better, the longer the Harper administration continues, the more our government will be chipped away from underneath,” she says.
    “It is clear the Harper administration is not interested in the welfare of farmers and local folk. He is more interested in looking after his buddies in the oil patch, and it is not helping families make ends meet.”
    The Liberal Party in Crowfoot has a new face, federally, although she has run twice provincially. Sharon Howe of the Chestermere area has accepted a nomination. She is concerned with the Conservative’s economic policies.
    Her concern is simply where is money going to come from, after the tax cuts and the GST reduction, she wonders where money for needed projects such as infrastructure is going to come from.
    “What are they going to do? Are they going to tax grab after that?” she said.
    Howe is also concerned about the recent flyers that have been sent to households at the taxpayer’s expense from the governing party, that appear to be campaign materials.
    One such flyer has a checklist of the four party leaders looking much like a ballot. The question however, is “Who do you think is on the right track on crime?”
    “That is blatant campaigning,” she said. “Other people are questioning it a bit, and I want to take it further.”
    In the last federal election Cameron Wigmore was the Green Party candidate for the riding and he received about 4.5 per cent of the vote.  Marie Read of the Green Party says they have yet to select a candidate for the Crowfoot constituency.

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