Drywall Manufacturer CGC coming to Wheatland | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Drywall Manufacturer CGC coming to Wheatland

IMG 2679

On Monday, May 1, Wheatland County press released a statement announcing that a Development Permit has been granted to CGC Wallboard Manufacturing Plant to construct a $210 million dollar facility.

In order to create Economic Development within the region, the County, alongside CGC, the Provincial Government and the Invest Alberta Corporation, have come together to set up the industrial project that will be an asset for the community.

The 220,000-square-foot plant will be developed on 214 acres of land northwest of Carseland in the Goldfinch Industrial Area along the south side of Township Road 222.

“Throughout the development approval process, CGC meticulously analyzed the impact of their operations on neighboring areas. Acknowledging the significance of community integration, CGC has instituted comprehensive measures to reduce noise and visual disturbances, ensuring collaboration with adjacent properties,” it states in the press release. “Exclusively dedicated to the production of premium wallboard products, the CGC facility is committed to operational excellence and environmental responsibility. The facility will operate without any hazardous materials or odours.”

When the plant opens, it is estimated that 100 permanent jobs will be available to those in the community.

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