Standard’s Village Shop might see new home | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Standard’s Village Shop might see new home


IMG 2724

There is talk amongst council members abour moving the Village Shop, which was burglarized for over $20,000 worth of tools back in February.

At the Wednesday, April 10, Regular Village Council Meeting, Standard’s Mayor, Martin Gauthier, and Chief Administrative Officer, Yvette April, discussed moving the shop and using the existing building for storage. There are six heated bays available in a larger and more secure location.

“We have a huge old fire hall here that is basically being used for storage. To me, it made more sense to move everything down here and have it all in one building. Then we use the Village Shop for signs, pylons and barricades,” states Gauthier. “This will put Maintenance and Operations under one building.”

Not a lot has to be done financially to make the move. Water will have to be blown from the lines and the gas turned off, and with the shop only being used for storage, monthly power bills will be much lower. As for the new location, a 220 AMP Breaker will need to be installed to run the compressors and other power tools. The cost of which is estimated to be a few hundred dollars.

“It’ll just be a matter of setting it up and moving everything over,” states April about how much work needs to take place.

All council members were in agreement with the idea, making it that people would be less likely to break in again. A quote for the cost of electrical work will have to be presented to Council for them to make a motion on that, but they do not have to make a motion to approve the move, as it falls under Operations.


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