Wheatland begins review of electoral boundaries | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Wheatland begins review of electoral boundaries

IMG 2679

At the Committee of the Whole meeting on Thursday, March 28, 2024, council members were presented with a Request for Clarity regarding the Electoral Boundary Bylaw.

On the Request for Clarity it states that “the main basis of the divisional boundary adjustment is to equally disburse the population among county councillors.” Making sure that Wheatland County’s ever growing population is guaranteed fair representation for all its residents.

At the previous Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, council members were presented with four possible options for the proposed electoral boundary adjustments for review. Each option shows new boundaries for the political divisions mapped out.

It has been 23 years, since 2001, since the last major change to the divisional boundaries took place. With the new election in 2025, the Bylaw needs to be put in place by Tuesday, December 31, 2024, as per section 151 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), which states a Bylaw under sections 143, 148 and 150, must be passed by December 31 of the year before the next general election. Section 148 of the MGA discusses the divisions of wards, which any adjustments to would not take effect until the next election is held.

“Upon reviewing the Bylaw and taking a look at the resident count, and the number of residents per division, we realize that due to growth on the west side of the county that there has been a bit of a shift per division,” states Wheatland County’s CAO Brian Henderson. “The proposed adjustment wouldn’t be so contentious because it would remain seven to seven (amount of divisions) so there would be no shrinking of divisions.”

First reading of the Electoral Boundary Bylaw will have to happen and then council will host an open-house for public engagement.

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