Drumheller Flying Club resurrected | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Drumheller Flying Club resurrected

IMG 3012

The Drumheller Flying Club met on Wednesday, 13 March to resurrect the club. In total, they had a list of 24 interested members and 16 members in attendance last week.
The organizers stress that you don’t need to be a pilot to be a member of the flying club. You just need to have an interest in aviation.
The plan is to meet quarterly and to work on various projects at the airport and focus on aviation education and advocacy. The cost to join is $100 per year.
The plan for 2024 is for the Club to hold a pancake breakfast up at the Airport, for pilots and locals, and to create a sortie,an opportunity for pilots and passengers to fly together in loose formation with a similar destination in mind. The club has also engaged a regional flying school to encourage them to have a sub-base in Drumheller.
There will be some social opportunities available for pilots and aviation enthusiasts to get together throughout the year, go for introductory flights and help around the airport.
Drumheller has an amazing airport, with a newly paved $1.5 million runway with the addition of new runway lighting.
Drumheller‘s airport terminal is in great shape, and the group will seek to find grant opportunities for exterior siding and upgraded windows in future years.
Interim Club President Pat Bonneville said “it was encouraging to see the turn out on by just having a couple of interested parties spreading the word that we were going to get together. The club's goals are to assist members in achieving their personal aviation goals while giving back to the community."
For more information, to become a member of the flying club or information on how you get your pilot license, you can email FlyDrumheller@gmail.com, phone Pat Bonneville at 403-820-4349 or Bob Sheddy at 403-324-2222.

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