Drumheller council passes 2024 Operating Budget | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Drumheller council passes 2024 Operating Budget

At the January 22, 2024 Regular Council Meeting, council approved the tax-supported 2024 Operating Budget of $22,348,727, with a municipal requisition of $9,962,718 and an operating reserve of $1,202,132. This is a 4 per cent increase in tax revenue and is down from the previous 4.8 per cent increase in 2023.
Of the $22.3 million Operating Budget, 33 per cent will go to paying the Salaries and Benefits of the Town of Drumheller’s (TOD) employees. Approximately 25 per cent of the more than $22.3 million budget goes to requisitions like the RCMP, The Drumheller and District Senior’s Foundation and Alberta Education. The Drumheller Fire Department will receive $66,500 for new supplies and tools needed. Grants and Organizations will receive $372,195, with the Drumheller Public Library receiving $223,438 of that amount, staying within the 4% increase.
“Administration has worked hard to produce a budget that is prudent and equitable during a time of increased costs brought on by inflation, all of which have an impact on the Towns operations,” states Councillor Tony Lacher in the Drumheller Media Release on Tuesday January 22, 2024. “The proposed increase has been reduced to a level that we, as Council, are satisfied with, considering the economic conditions that we continue to face.”
Compared to other Municipalities budgets, that average a 5.7 per cent increase, The Town of Drumheller has managed to create opportunities to lower costs while still maintaining balance within the 4 per cent increase.

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