Starland secures funding for water expansion | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 12 Sep 2024 5pm

Starland secures funding for water expansion

Starland County has been working on expanding the rural water supply connections to farms in the areas north of Craigmyle and north and west of of Morrin. The County has secured funding assistance from the Canada – Alberta Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (CAMRIF), and is working towards finalizing the design of the project and preparing it for tender.
The County is planning an informational open house for the two segments of this project. For the Morrin North and West area project, the open house will be held tonight, August 6, 2008 at the Morrin Community Hall starting at 7:00 p.m. For the Craigmyle North project, the information session will be held on Thursday, August 7 at the Craigmyle Civic Centre starting at 7:00 p.m.
Representatives from Starland County and M.P.E. Engineering Ltd. will be on hand to update participants on the projects, and provide updates on environmental approvals, easement acquisition, and project tendering.
The session is an update for those who have placed a deposit for water supply in these areas, or for those in these areas who might be interested in being added to the supply system. For those who can't attend, project update newsletters will be distributed to ratepayers who have a water service deposit on file.

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