Redford unveils $500 teacher tax credit | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Redford unveils $500 teacher tax credit

    Progressive Conservative party leader, Alison Redford, paid a visit to Drumheller on Thursday, April 5, and announced a new tax credit for Albertan teachers who use personal funds to enhance students experience at school.
    “One of the reasons that we are proud to be Progressive Conservatives is because we believe that investing in Albertans allows us to have public education, health care, and infrastructure that will allow not only sustain, but grow,” said Redford when addressing media outside of her campaign bus.
    Under the proposal, teachers could receive a tax credit for up to $500 for anything they purchase themselves for school.
    “There are teachers across this province that take that extra step for kids,” said Redford. “When they do pay money out of pocket to make that experience a little bit better, we’re acknowledging and thanking them.”
     For examples, Redford listed teachers who buy a student in need lunch, or special art or teaching supplies. Basically, any out of pocket expense, not connected to the curriculum, that  enhances the school experience for students.
    DVSS principal, Curtis Lapierre felt that the recognition would be appreciated.
    “All teachers spend their own money for things for the classroom and their kids. Teachers have always done this,” said Lapierre. “I think teachers will see it as a nice sentiment that there is recognition that the teachers do spend quite a bit of money every year in support of kids and their education.”
    Redford also highlighted the PC pledge to invest in education further by building 50 new schools in the province in four years and reinvigorating 70 schools.
    “ that everyone can go to school in their own community and know that schools are a safe place, connected to the community that allows kids to grow and thrive,” said Redford. “This election is about choice and we have chosen to support public education, schools, and build schools, because that’s what builds community,”


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