Town hopeful remediation work on Michichi Creek imminent | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Town hopeful remediation work on Michichi Creek imminent

    This week the Town of Drumheller received the good news that it is one step closer to having the damage to the banks of Michichi Creek remediated.
    Last April the creek swelled over its banks after unusually high runoff. Residents saw dramatic flooding on properties west of Highway 9 at the intersection of Verdant Valley Road, however more extensive damage was caused to properties on 9th Street West that back onto the creek.
    The Town received an update from Alberta Transportation on the project. It said they are very close to having all documentation in place for repair to the eroded areas along Michichi Creek.
    “We jumped through a whole lot of hoops,” said Mayor Terry Yemen. “When we see it happen, I’ll believe, we just have to see it happen. If we have another high water situation there is going to be some loss there.”
    To get the project on the radar, Yemen said council and administration lobbied tirelessly. Because it is a waterway, it involved a number of levels of approval including provincial departments, as well as Fisheries and Oceans Canada. In October The Mail reported that Yemen wrote a strongly worded letter to MP Kevin Sorenson urging swift action.
    The Town has granted Alberta Transportation to use the grass lane near the creek to haul in equipment and material to compete the project. A design is in place and Ledcor has agreed to take on the project. There are a couple permits that need to be in place before construction begins.
    The work would take about three weeks to complete, depending on weather.  

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