Hussar 4-H brings Christmas spirit to village | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Hussar 4-H brings Christmas spirit to village

    The Hussar 4-H Club held their Christmas meeting and party December 12 at the Curling Club.  They started off with a delicious pot luck supper – with lots of leftovers too.   Outside they all went to hang a few Christmas lights on the trees in front of the arena and found out a few strings of lights just don’t go that far. Thanks for bringing a bit of Christmas spirit to the Village. A quick business meeting with hot chocolate was in order which was followed by a Chinese gift exchange.  The huge bag of candy proved to be the ‘hot’ item of the day.
    The Club decided they would like to spend some of their hard earned money and shop for a few needy families in the Wheatland area as their Christmas contribution.  On Monday, December 19 a group of 4-H members shopped for one family in Strathmore and another group of members shopped for another family in Drumheller after school.  These gifts were then taken to the Wheatland Crisis Center.  Many thanks to the 4H members for thinking of others in need at this time of year.
     The photo is of the Strathmore bunch shopping and the pile of gifts the 4-H Club donated to the Crisis Shelter.

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