Sunday pancake breakfast marks Fire Prevention Week | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Sunday pancake breakfast marks Fire Prevention Week

    Town of Drumheller Firefighters are collaborating with the Drumheller RCMP and EMS to prepare for Fire Prevention Week. 
    This year’s Fire Prevention Week is October 9 to 15. The theme is: Protect Your Family From Fire.
    To kick off this year's Fire Prevention week, the Drumheller Firefighters will be hosting a pancake breakfast on Sunday, October 9, from 8 a.m. to noon at the Drumheller Fire Hall.  It will be a free will offering with proceeds going to Drumheller Fire Department equipment fund and The Salvation Army.  
    Emergency responders encourage residents to come down, meet the firefighters, police officers and Badlands EMS, and enjoy a delicious breakfast. 
    “Everyone please come down on October 9 to become familiar with the police, fire and EMS personnel, and also educate yourselves on how to promote fire prevention, fire safety, and vehicle safety within the communities you live in,” encourages fire prevention officer Luigi Vescarelli.
    During the breakfast, there will be a number of activities. Corporal Kevin Charles of the Drumheller RCMP will be at the Fire hall promoting the “Put Yourself in Our Boots” campaign. The campaign is intended to make people think about workplace safety from the point of view of emergency responders and equip them with the tools to make changes in their workplaces. There will be a DVD video that stresses the importance of traffic safety, because the workplace of emergency responders is every place, including busy roadways.  While most people leave work and get in their vehicles at the end of the workday, many first responders don’t start working until they get behind the wheel of their emergency services vehicles.
    Badlands EMS coordinator Bruce Coad will also have his ambulance personnel at the Fire Hall to display their ambulance and equipment.
    Throughout the event, hosts will be giving away colorful activity booklets for children from kindergarten to Grade 3, as well as fire safety handouts for children and adults. They will be conducting tours of the fire hall, as well as demonstrating equipment.
    There will also be door prizes.
    In addition, for Fire Prevention Week, on Wednesday, October 12, the Drumheller Fire, Department will host two classes from Bedrock Play School who will be visiting in the morning and then again in the afternoon. During their visits, the children will receive a short fire prevention talk and a tour of the hall. 
    “We will also be distributing fire safety booklets to all the children.  Our goal is to help kids live safely.  The booklet aims to teach that, by understanding and observing a collection of simple rules young people can stay happy and healthy, and safe,” said Vescarelli.

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