Sea Cadets summer camp held in Comox, B.C. | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Sea Cadets summer camp held in Comox, B.C.

    Sea Cadets summer camp offers challenges, friendship and adventures for youths.
    It’s a national organization whose purpose is to develop  youth age 12 to 19 with good citizenship and physical fitness.
  Every summer cadets from across Canada can attend the camp a QUADRA Sea Cadet summer training center.
  This year the camp was held in Comox, B.C. with approximately 1500 cadets attending.
 The summer training programs run two to six weeks in length.
    From September to June, Cadets participate in local training one evening during the week and on some weekends.
   Cadets can apply for the summer training center, based on their performance and marks. This earns them an opportunity to go to the summer camp.
   The cadets day at camp starts with a run, breakfast and then they start class for drills and ceremonies.
  Many aspects of the cadet training have lifelong value such as organization of community projects, first aid training, fitness and firearms safety.
  Cadets learn skills and qualifications that may lead to employment later in life.

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