Cycle for Life 2011 stops through Drumheller | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Cycle for Life 2011 stops through Drumheller

    Cyclist Tim Leyshan is getting a firsthand view of the vast Canadian countryside, and along the way is raising funds for a good cause.

    His tour, called Cycle for Life, stopped in Drumheller last week. He is on a cross Canada tour to raise funds for the Canadian Cancer Society and a charity called Smiles for Sam.
    Leyshan was inspired by his mother and uncle’s long battle with illness, but in early 2011, 11-year-old Samantha Mantyka became his beacon. At the time, the child from Delta was in her second battle with cancer in her short life. In July of this year, she passed away.  A small group of family friends started Smiles for Sam.
    The charity’s mission is to “strengthen family by providing a range of support to children who are fighting the battle against cancer. Smiles for Sam will provide hope, smiles and memories to children and their families.”
    Leyshan has decided to split the funds the raised between the two charities, with 75 per cent going to Smiles for Sam and 25 per cent to the Canadian Cancer Society.
    “My reason is if we were in the same position, with our child in that boat, we would hope there would be someone doing this for us,” said Leyshan.
    Leyshan isn’t alone on the road. His partner Becky Ellis and brother Josh are along for the ride with a camper support vehicle. So far, there have been a few hiccups along the way but the team is ahead of schedule.
    The team was able to generate support from the business community for their journey. One of their main sponsors supporting the journey is Eco-Fuel Saver. The company has supplied the team with its fuel additive, which has made a significant increase in their mileage for their support vehicle. They have also pledged to donate $1 from every 450 mL bottle of the product sold during the 75 days they have scheduled for the trip. The product is available at Canadian Tire. This is an easy way to donate to the Cycle for Life 2010.
    The team headed out from Drumheller, east onto Youngstown and Kindersley, Saskatchewan. As of Thursday, they were on the last leg to Winnipeg after 20 days on the road.
    They hope to arrive in St. John’s, Newfoundland by October 23. Along the way they are planning to address classrooms and students, spreading the message of their journey.
    Those interested in following Leyshan’s journey can go to They are blogging as they go and will be adding video as they progress. Donations can also be made online.

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