Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #124
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Casey Grayson


Name: Casey Grayson

Age: 19

Hometown: Drumheller

Job Title: Sports Guru

Employer: Sports Room Source for Sports

Favorite Sport? Hockey

Pittsburgh or Detroit? Detroit in six

Greatest childhood memory: Provincials in football and hockey.

Do you have any pets? Two dogs

Biggest pet peeve: Sidney Crosby

If I had a million dollars I would... Buy a house, a big truck, and go on a vacation.

Favorite Band? Metallica

Favorite Song? Where Ever I May Roam or One by Metallica

If you could describe yourself in one word what would that be? All-Star

If you could have dinner with any famous person in history who would that be? Jessica Alba

Who Are You? - Jason Blank

Jason Blank
Age: 27

jasonˍblank.jpgFrom: Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Job Title: Member service representative and announcer for the Drumheller Dragons
Employer: Credit Union
Favorite NHL hockey team: Calgary Flames
All time favorite NHL hockey player: Joe Sackic
If all your CDs were destroyed in a fire except for one, what CD would you want to keep? Collective Soul the blue album
Whats your favourite TV Show? Corner Gas
Whats your favourite movie? Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless mind
Favorite Book or Author? John Grisham The Rainmaker
If I had a million dollars I would... Buy a hockey team
Would you be a groupie, drummer, lead singer, or manger of ACDC? Drummer
Favourite Vegetable? Potato
Biggest role model? Peter Marr
If you could go back to any time period where would you go? 50s and 60s. Thats when cars and music really started to get cool

Who Are You? - Melissa Rideout

Melissa Rideout
Age: 22  melissaˍrideout.jpg

From: Edson, Alberta

Job Title: Pro shop assistant

Employer: Dinosaur Trail Golf & Country Club
Favorite book or author: Danielle Steel is my favorite author and my favorite book of her book Reflections.
Favorite Flower: Cala Lily
Favorite Food: Perogies
What is your number one pet peeve: When people say Shed-ule not Schedule
Favorite movie: The Notebook
Favorite TV show: Simpsons
Dogs or Cats: Both
If you had a million dollars you would: Go on a shopping spree and pay for my wedding
If you could go back to any time period you would go to? Early sixties. I love the old farmers trucks. I want it to be my Just Married mobile.
What do you like to do on your time off? I like to camp and hang out with my fiance. I am also a hairstylist on the side and manage a hair salon in Airdrie.

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