Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #122
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Madison Daly


Age: 18

From: Munson

Hobbies: Piano, singing and hanging out with my friends

Favorite song you have ever sung? Let it be by the Beatles. I sang, my dad played the violin and Ray Telford played the guitar....it was amazing!

Favorite TV Show: House

Favorite Actor: Johnny Depp

Favorite Band: 3 Oh! 3

Cats or Dogs: Cats..because I have a cat and her name is Miss Kitty

If you could describe yourself in one word it would be? Ballin

Favorite Childhood Memory: Getting into trouble with my siblings

Favorite Food: Lasagna

If you won a million dollars you would?Go shopping...ya I would buy a lot of clothes!

Dreams or goals? To be famous

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, it would be? a rowboat

Clinton or Obama? Clinton

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Probably New York because there is so much to see and do.

If you could have dinner with one person in history who would it be? John Lennon, because he had a lot to say, and it would be interesting to learn about his politics.

Who Are You? - Carmen Jacobia-Haist


Name: Carmen Jacobia-Haist

Age: 21

From: Calgary

Job Title: Accounting Technician

Employer: Meyers Norris Penny LLP

Hobbies: Um...I like playing the Guitar, but one of my strings just broke on it.

TV Show: Grey’s Anatomy

Favorite Actor: Everyone

Favorite Band: Amberlin

Cats or Dogs: Dogs. I have two. A chocolate lab and a German Shepherd

If you could describe yourself in one word it would be?Impulsive

Favorite Childhood Memory: We created a huge mud hole in my back yard when I was young, we always had huge mud wars, they were the best.

Favorite Food: Sushi

If you won a million dollars you would?Runaway, and give some to my parents. I would go to some hot island and retire at 22.

Dreams or goals? To be a partner in this firm, and buy a big house in the suburbs of Calgary.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, it would be?I guess one of my dogs, can I take them both?

Sure. Okay both my dogs then.

Who Are You? - Regan Newman


Name: Regan Newman

Age: 25

From: Delia

Job: Kindergarten teacher for Greentree School

Hobbies: Dancing, camping, arts and crafts

Television show? Grey’s Anatomy

Favorite actor: Adam Sandler aka Bobby Boucher

Favorite movie: Happy Gilmore

Favorite author: Maeve Binchy

Favorite band: Creedence Clearwater Revival

Cats or Dogs: Definitely dogs. I actually have three Jake, Gismo and Frank.

If you could be described in one word what would that be?Fun, Fun, Fun and Crazy

What is your earliest childhood memory?The first time I was mutton riding...it’s sheep riding.

Favorite Food: Strawberries

If you could have dinner with anyone in history who would that be?The Beatles

If I had a million dollars I would... Pay back student loans, buy parents a house, and buy a lot more shoes.

Future dreams or goals?Stay teaching and be happy

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