Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #121
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Kyle Reimer

reimerbw.jpgAge: 18
From: Drumheller
Place of Employement: A&W
Job: Cashier
Favourite song: Focus by 10 Years
Favourite TV Show: South Park
Favourite Movie: Superbad
Favourite Actor: Seth Rogen
Favourite Band: Tool
Cats or Dogs: Dogs
If you could describe yourself in one word it would be? Awesome!
Favourite Memory: Going to provincial semi-finals in football.
Favourite Food: Tacos
If you won a million dollars you would? Buy Jamie a mustang, and buy a nice house.
Dreams or goals? Go to Mount Royal and take business management.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, it would be? My iPod
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? New Zealand, because I have family there.
If you could have dinner with one person in history who would it be? John Lennon because he had interesting views and I would love to talk to him.

Who Are You? - Quinn Lucas

quinn-lucas.jpgAge: 19
From: Drumheller
Job: I am going into my second year of studying to be a Veterinarian Technician in Olds, and work at the Drumheller Vet Clinic in the summer.
Favourite song: “What I Got” by Sublime
Favourite TV Show: Criminal Minds
Favourite Movie: Detroit Rock City
Favourite Actor: James McAvoy... cause he is hot!
Favourite Band: Blink 182
Favorite Animal: I love all the animals
Cats or Dogs: umm...Both
If you could describe yourself in one word it would be? I need more then one word cause I am a big deal!
Favourite Childhood Memory: Making mud puddles on the farm with my sister and then playing in them.
Favourite Food: Chocolate chip cookies.
With milk? With soy milk, cause I am a vegetarian.
How long have you been a vegetarian? Well I struggled at it for a while, but I got really serious about it in Grade 12.
If you won a million dollars you would? Buy Deanna a gift and buy a big truck. I would also buy a house and invest the rest
Dreams or goals? To finish school and buy a house, cause I probably will not win a million dollars. I also want a Bengal cat, they are one eighth tiger. They look like a tiger but are smaller, and gentle like a domestic cat.
If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, it would be? My sister Jobi.
If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? I would go back to Europe. Last time I went to Germany, Austria, Italy, and Switzerland. Next time I would want to go everywhere.

Who Are You? - Jessica Wiebe

jessica-wiebe.jpgName: Jessica Wiebe

Age: 18

From: Lethbridge

Job: Employee at The Fossil Shop

Hobbies: Shopping

Favourite song: Write This Down by George Strait

Favourite TV Show: So you think you can dance

Favourite Actor: Will Ferrell has been pretty funny lately

Favourite Band: I like too many

Cats or Dogs: Cats

If you could describe yourself in one word it would be? Awesome!

Favourite Childhood Memory: Going to Waterton on the weekends.

Favourite Food: Vanilla Dunkeroos with the sprinkles

If you won a million dollars you would? Buy a better house and get a nicer car.

Dreams or goals? Go to college and get my child and youth care degree.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing with you, it would be? IPod

If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Italy

If you could have dinner with one person in history who would it be? Anne Frank, so I could get to know her time period better

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