Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #116
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Chelsea Bradley

chelsea-bradley.jpgAge: 18
Employer: Sports Room Source for Sports
Job Title: Sales clerk
Do you like your job? I love my job here.
Hobbies or interests? I enjoy long walks on the beach and playing ping-pong with Casey (co-worker).
Dreams or goals? I want to become an architect. I also want to be a rockstar.
Do you plan to go to school? I am going to S.A.I.T. to study architectural technology.
What is your favourite food? Mashed potatoes.
With gravy? No! Just mashed potatoes with butter and pepper.
If you could travel anywhere, where? Ireland, because I’m Irish and have family there. I also have an Irish tattoo.
What is your favourite movie? Boondock Saints.
If you won a million dollars, what would you buy? A house, two cars to give one to my mom, and buy Leonardo DiCaprio.
If you could have dinner with anyone, who? I just told you, Leonardo DiCaprio!
What’s your favourite DiCaprio movie? The Beach.
If you had a time-machine, when and where would you go? Go back in time and fix mistakes I’ve made.
If you were on a desert island, what would you bring? Food, probably mashed potatoes and my boyfriend.
What is your dream car? A ‘69 or ‘67 Camaro.
Last words? How long will they mourn me?

Who Are You? - David Lane

david-lane.jpgAge: 25
Employer: Wal-Mart
Job Title: Department Manager of Toys
Why did you take this job? Was in Yorkton Saskatchewan and  came back to Drumheller to transfer.
Are you from Drumeheller? Born and Raised
How long have you lived here? All of my life, 24 years.
Hobbies/Interests: Sports and football
Favorite team? Calgary Stampeders
Favorite food? Big Mac
Favorite movie? Animal House
Last movie you bought? Due South season 2
Last movie you watched? Kung Fu Panda
If money was no object, what would you buy? 64 inch flat screen TV.
Dream Car? 1934 Ford Coupe

Who Are You? - Richard Holland

richardholland-bw.jpgAge: 25
Employer: Wal-Mart
Jot Title: Department Manager
Why did you take this job? To start a career, move up in this company.
Are you from Drumheller?Originally from Calgary
How long have you lived in Drumheller?9 years
Hobbies/Interests: Karaoke, movies, dinner and hanging out with friends
What was the last song you sang at karaoke?My Mortal by Evanescence
Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Favorite Movie: Life as a House
Last movie you bought? 10,000 B.C
Last movie you  watched? Appaloosa
If money was no object what would you buy? A house
What is your dream car? Solstice

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