Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #115
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? - Jen Balderson

jen-balderson.jpgAge: 17
Employer: Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce
Title: Tourism Services Representative
What have you planned for the future? I would like to go to U of C and complete a Bachelor of Commerce with an English minor.
What is your dream? To probably move to Chestermere and either work for their chamber or start my own business.
Hobbies/interests? Coaching basketball, being with friends and family, reading and trying new things.
What kind of music are you into right now? Old vinyls like The Beatles, The Doors, The Ramones, I love the old stuff.
What’s your favourite food? Any kind of salad, believe it or not.
What’s a good movie you recently watched? Hancock
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who? My great grandmother on my mom’s side.
Who’s your favourite superhero? The original Batman and Robin.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Uganda or another third world country, to better my understanding of their culture.
If you were stranded on an island and could only have one thing, what would you choose? I know it’s dumb but probably my cell phone.
If you were given a million dollars, what would you do? Pay for my education and help out all my family, and give the rest away anonymously to those in need.
What’s your dream car? ‘71 blue Chevelle SS
Last words: Did I make a difference?

Who Are You? - Karen Martin

karen-martin.jpgAge: Old enough to know better
Employer: IGA
Job Title: Health and Beauty
Why did you take this job? I enjoy the people.
Where are you from? Chilliwack B.C.
How long have you lived here? 25 years.
Hobbies/Interests: Gardening, reading and being with the family.
Favourite food? Pasta
Favourite movie? Bucket List
Last movie you watched? Night at the Museum and Love Guru
Last movie you bought? Stella Luna
If money was no object, what would you buy? Home in the Caribbean
Dream Car: 1974 Mercedes Benz Convertible

Who Are You? - April Kaczmar

april-kaczmar.jpgAge: 28
Are you from Drumheller? No, I moved from Calgary in March of this year.
How do you like Drumheller? I love it, would never go back to Calgary.
Employer: Five Blue Heron The Emporium
What do you like about your job? The people, I like meeting people. And my boss is really cool.
Your hobbies or interests? I like hiking in the coulees in the area. I make beads and jewellery, and sell them at the East Coulee Hotel.
Your dreams or goals? In the spring I hope to open my own bead store, to repair jewelry, make costumes and jewellery. The name of the store is going to be Beadles.
If you could go anywhere in the world, where? Go back to Greece, it’s beautiful there. I went there when I was 14 and it was the best experience of my life.
If you won a million dollars, what would you do? Pay off all my family’s debt so everyone would be happy. And maybe buy myself a car or SUV.
What is your dream car? Sounds kinda corny, but a Hyundai Santa Fe.
Favourite food? Salmon.
Favourite band? I’m a Chris Cornell fan, I like Audioslave and Soundgarden (Cornell sings for both bands). I saw Soundgarden in England and Audioslave in Calgary.
If you could have dinner with anyone, who? Johnny Depp, because he is just an awesome actor.
Favourite movie? Scarface, oh yeahh, mafia style.
What do you want for Christmas? A memorable one.
Last words? Be nice to your kids, they’ll choose your nursing home.

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