Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #110
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? Joey Browning

who-are-you-joey.jpgAge: 18
O’Shea’s Eatery and Ale House
Job title: Waiter
Hobbies and interests? I coach basketball, play basketball, and go out with friends
Dreams or goals? Leave Drumheller and become a city firefighter
Favourite food? Rice and meat balls
Favourite movie? Walk the Line
Favourite music? Oldies like Creedance Clearwater Revival, the Rolling Stones, the Beatles.
Favourite book? I read cereal boxes
Favourite sports team? Chicago Bears
Favourite funny childhood memory? At Disneyland, when my dad made fun of me until I cried for not going on the Jurassic Park ride
Where do you want to travel in the world? Australia, to learn how to surf
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who? Abe Lincoln, to hear about the fight for slave’s rights
Dream car? Black Jaguar XJ220
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go? The year 3000 to see what’s happening
What would you be doing, if you weren’t doing what you’re doing? Be a multi-millionaire and own the Toronto Raptors
Who’s your hero? Batman, he is one bad dude
Words to live by? Live life to the fullest

Who are You? Jennifer Pratt

who-are-you-jennifer.jpgAge: 23
Employer: Boston Pizza
Job title: Supervisor
Hobbies and interests: Pool, hiking, watching movies, reading.
Dreams or goals? Go to school for business management, maybe own a bookstore one day.
Favourite food? Pizza and pasta.
Favourite music? Country or rock, I'm going to see Taylor Swift when she plays in Calgary.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where? England, I like castles.
If you had a time machine where and when would you go? Medieval times, to see what it was like to be a knight or princess.
If you were on a deserted island and could only bring one thing, what would you bring? A blanket.
If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive, who? Rosa Parks or Martin Luther King Jr., to see what they thought at that point in time.
Favourite movie? Horror movies, maybe Creepshow.
Favourite book? Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Alum.
Favourite sports team? Toronto Blue Jays.
Who's your hero? My mother.
Words to live by? I'm slightly crazy but life is never boring with me around.
What would you be doing if you weren't doing what your doing? Travelling the world.

Who Are You? Danita Olanski

who-are-you-danita.jpgAge: 19
Employer: Cafe Italiano    
Are you from Drumheller? No moved here from High Prairie three months ago.
Do you like Drumheller? Yes everybody seems nice and there’s lots to do.
Job title: Waitress/chef
Hobbies and interests? Watch hockey, riding horses.
Favourirte NHL team? The Philadelphia Flyers and Ottawa Senators.
Dreams or goals? I don’t know what I want yet.
Favourite music? Metal and rock, Lamb of God, All That Remains, and As I Lay Dying.
Favourite food? Lasagna and banana bread. I eat it everyday working here.
Dream car? Corvette.
Favourite breakfast? Bagel with Nutella.
Where do you want to travel? Italy, would be a nice place to get away.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go? I like where I am right now.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who? My favourite hockey player, Vincent Lacavalier, because I would love to meet him.
What would you serve Lacavalier? Chicken quesedilla.
Words to live by? All or nothing, I have it tattooed on my neck.
If you were on a desert island, what would you bring? My mom to keep me company.

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