Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #88
Last updateFri, 17 May 2024 12pm

Who are you? Jon Sheppard


Age: 41.
Employer:  MAX Campus.
Job Title: Resident Artist, New Media Instructor.
How long have you lived in Drumheller? Most of my life.
What do you like most about the valley? The scenery. Anything but the dinosaurs.
What’s one thing you’d change about Drumheller? To have more urban attractions, there isn’t a lot to do if you’re not a tourist.
Hobbies and interests? Music, art, and I love cartoons.
Favourite movie? The original Star Wars, or Bladerunner.
What’s in your CD player? The new Hellyeah album.
Where do you want to travel most? Ireland, because I’m of Irish descent.
Favourite food? Steak and potatoes .
Favourite colour? It’s been yellow lately.
Dream car? Any Porsche.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you travel? To the future to see where we’re at in 100 years.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who’d it be? Jimi Hendrix.
What would you serve him? Not sleeping pills, that’s for sure.
Pet peeves? Two-faced people, and slow drivers.
Coke or Pepsi? Coke.
Team Edward or Jacob? Neither... I don’t watch that.
If you found $1,000,000, what would you do? Morally, I’d try to find the owner. For myself, I’d buy a house, put some in for the kid’s college fund, and start my own business in the field.
If you were Prime Minister, what would be your first act in office? Get rid of the income tax and create a flat tax.
Who’s your hero? I’m fond of James Cameron, for his contributions to film-making.

Who are you? Brandi Belliveau


Age: 25.
Employer:  Curves.
Job Title: Owner.
How long have you been in Drumheller? 5 years.
What do you like most about town? The diversity of people.
What would you change? The dinosaurs, I’m not a fan.
What do you do in your spare time? Hang out with my four year old, be a mom.
What’s in your CD player? Carrie Underwood or Taylor Swift.
Where do you want to travel most? Australia, visit the koala bears.
If you had a time machine, where would you go? Fourteen years in the future; my kid will be 18, then I’ll be free.
If you were Prime Minister today what would your first act of office be? Nothing I’m allowed to put in a newspaper.
Team Edward or Jacob? Neither.
Words of wisdom? From my grandma: cleaning a house with children is like shovelling snow when it’s snowing.
What’s your dream job? This.
What would you do with $1,000,000? Pay off debt, travel, buy myself a big house with a maid.
Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi in a can, Coke in a bottle.
Favourite movie? Right now, The Backup Plan, but my all time is The Notebook.
If you were on a desert island and could only bring three things, what would they be? A sailboat, my husband, and my iPhone. Not staying there very long.
Pet peeves? People who crack their knuckles and people who complain about nothing.

Who are you? Cassie DeMille


Age: 19.
Employer:  Boston Pizza.
Job Title: Waitress.
What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you at work? When someone brought in alcohol trying to convince me I had already sold it to them. I kicked them out.
How long have you lived in Drumheller? Never, I have lived in Morrin my whole life.
What do you like most about Drumheller? The people.
What would you change about Drumheller? The people.
What do you do in your free time? I don’t have free time.
What’s in your CD player? James Morrison.
Favourite colour? Purple.
Favourite movie? Girl Interupted or Sin City.
Favourite food? Pickles.
Good book you’ve read? 19 Minutes.
Who’s your hero? Snooki from Jersey Shore.
What’s your dream car? Anything that isn’t a Cavalier.... what I drive now.
Team Edward or Jacob? Jacob.
If you had a time machine, where and when would you go? Twenty years into the future, so I could see what happens before anyone else.
If you were stuck on a desert island, what three things would you bring? My iPod, tanning oil, and pickles.
Words of wisdom? Gym, tanning, laundry - GTL.
If you were Prime Minister, what would you do? Legalize it.
Coke or Pepsi? I love Coke.
Where do you want to travel? Australia, I’m going there soon.
What’s your dream? To be more famous than Snooki.

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