Who are you? Trevor Holden | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 17 May 2024 12pm

Who are you? Trevor Holden



Name: Trevor Holden

Age: 33

Job: Journeyman mechanic 

Employer: Canadian Tire

What do you like about your job? I love working on cars.

If not all your life, where do you come from and what brought you to Drumheller?Born and raised.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?Alaska, for the hunting.

If stuck on a desert island, what would be three things you’d bring?Beer, my wife, and more beer.

If you found $100 right now, what would you do?Probably buy beer.

What are your favourite albums?Kiss Alive, and old Metallica.

If you were Prime Minister today, what would be your first act of office? Instill anarchy.

What are your hobbies and interests?Hunting and beer.

Words to live by?Blood, sweat and beer.

If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?My wife.

What are your pet peeves?I’ve got four: Kyle Reimer, Craig Zacharak, Dana Landen, and Beavis. (Shop staff.)

What’s your favourite meal?Whatever is given to me.

What would you do with one million dollars?Buy Canadian Tire and make all these guys work for me.

Favourite Movie?Easy Rider.

What’s your plan for your next tattoo?Up to Geoff at Jurassic Ink.


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