Health & Wellness: Five questions with a holistic nutritionist | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Health & Wellness: Five questions with a holistic nutritionist



Peak Holistic

1. Tell me a bit about yourself and your background as a holistic nutritionist.

My name is Janice Chalmers-Massinon and I graduated from a one-year full time course with Canadian School of Natural Nutrition in Calgary.   While taking this education, I could only think…”why didn’t I know this, when I was working such a stressful job?”   I loved the idea of connecting holistic lifestyle with a not-so-holistic lifestyle, adding the balance that just might make your life easier.  I have done nutritional counselling for individuals who want that balance, retreats that offer nutritional and lifestyle hints that you can add to your life, simply!

2. What services/programs are you offering people in Drumheller?

Peak offers nutritional counselling, which in a nutshell means breaking down your lifestyle and giving it a few tweaks to make you feel amazing!!

Culinary coaching - which could be from teaching you the basics of cooking to meal planning and preparing  I will be speaking at the BCF Women’s retreat coming up February 2 on Pantry & Fridge Detox. Many information sessions are being planned at Citizen Yoga.

3. What is a “holistic nutritionist”? What does the holistic part mean?

Holistic means taking into consideration your entire lifestyle, from waking up to sleeping and everything in between.

4. Why might someone need nutritional counselling? Isn’t just eating fruits and veggies good enough?

Fruits and veggies are wonderful, but it’s the understanding of why?  Do you know some veggies could actually cause problems with individuals? We are all unique and doing a consult will find out what exactly you should be eating and adding to your lifestyle.

5. What would be the long term benefits for someone wanting to book a counselling or programming session from you?

Fresh, natural whole foods are going back to basics, and something you can change in your diet and lifestyle – not just a short term “fix.”  This is ‘whole,’ this is for the love of you. It’s all about wholeness and balance and being happy.  You would be surprised how closely your gut and your brain are connected!  The old saying “you are what you eat” still stands.

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