Classifieds | DrumhellerMail - Results from #738
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

April 22 - April 29 > Call 403.823.2580 to place ad

DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871.  4tc 


Wold's Finest Cutlery - CUTCO KNIVES - Forever Guaranteed!  (403) 823-4914 1p25
FOR SALE... Upright piano. I must sell this! Appraised at $900. Please make me an offer. Thanks. 403-823-4914. 14p16
FOR SALE... Steel frame bunk beds (black) great shape. $200 obo Call 403-823-9130 Please leave a message. 14nc16
FOR SALE... Steelbuildings. Recession discount. 18’ x 21’ reg $6279, now $4186. 36’ x51’ reg $15,047, now $10,031. 105’ x 105’ reg $87,362, now $58,241. +Code Adj, erection available. Source#11I Phone800-964-8335 15p16 
FOR SALE... Bluebird and wren house kits - ready to build, or pre-built. Ray Hummel 403-822-3867 16p18
FOR SALE... 4’x 8’ pool table, regulation, slate, new cover. 2 sets balls, cues, etc. Offers 403-823-2932 16p 
 inSide Drumheller:
FOR SALE... Yamaha BK-71 electric organ. Good condition. $100 OBO. 403-820-5137 14nc  
Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, mealpreparation, Continuing Care Companion, Caregiver respite. Bondablecaregivers. Possible subsidy for stroke survivors and veteran. CallHELPING HANDS 403-364-2476. 2tfc
FREE FREE FREE ... Estimates for painting and minordry wall taping. 25 years experience. Call Dwayne’s Contracting at820-0963. References by request. 9p17
Specialize in brick, concrete block, cultured stone,natural stone, manufactured stone, parging, stucco. Masonry,renovations. Phone: 403-334-8977 or 403-572-3346.    15p17
CHILD CARE... Private day home available full time Monday - Friday. Meals included, fenced yard, crafts, in good neighbourhood. 403-823-8156 16p18 

FIREWOOD FORSALE... Dry split, Pine or Spruce. 1/2 cord or full cord. Deliveryavailable. Phone (403) 823-7948 or (403) 823-1961 11c17
FOR SALE... 2003 Alero. New tires, 100,405 kms highway driven, fully loaded. Call 403-823-2819. $6000 obo.    16p18
inSide Drumheller: 
FOR SALE... 1996 Oldsmobile Aurora. Leather interior,loaded with options, nice ride for the bumpy roads. $1500 obo403-572-3169 13nc 
FOR SALE... 2006 Dodge 3500 1 ton truck. Low mileage, quad cab, long box, 4x4 loaded. $29,000 obo. 403-823-6495 8tfc
FOR SALE... 2 vans - 1994 Dodge van and an 1986 Ford van - both 3/4ton. Extended with shelves. Drive both away for $500 obo. 403-443-147114p16
FOR SALE... 1981 Fold 1 ton gravel box dump truck. Gas, certified, easy 351 motor, automatic. $3200. Phone 403-820-5622. 16p17
FOR SALE... 1982 Chev 1 ton flat deck with hoist. 350 on propane, runs excellent. $2500. Phone 403-820-5622 16p17
FOR SALE... Ford F150 1998 3 dr. cab, short box 4x4, 4.6L 5 spd auto trans (270 k), remote start, very clean, rubber good, original owner. $3995 obo. Phone 403-823-2798 after 6 p.m. 16p18 
 inSide Drumheller: 
FOR SALE... 1979 Chev van, fully camperized. Rebuiltmotor and trans. New tires and carburator. $1500 or best offer.403-823-5277 13p15 

FOR SALE... Kustom Koch Trailer. 21’, sleeps 6. Large bathroom, 2 tables. Good condition. Asking $4500 Phone 403-823-3973. 16p18
FOR SALE... 8 ft. camper. Sleeps 4. Fridge, stove, water pump. Good condition. Asking $1000 obo. 403-823-3973 16p18
FOR SALE... 2000 Tracker 16.5 ft Pro Guide deep hull fishing boat. 40 H.P. Mercury motor. Tracker trailer and new spare tire. Fish finder, 3 swivel seats, 50# electric trolling motor, excellent fishing boat. Price $9400. Phone 403-820-4006 or 403-823-3973 16p17
FOR SALE... 1977 Century boat and trailer. Inboard / outboard Merc out drive. Real nice. $3995. Ready to go 403-820-5622 16p17 
QUAD FOR SALE... Honda Quad 2x4, 200 cc, runs great. $1600. “Hey, it’s a Honda” 403-820-5622 16p17
QUAD FOR SALE... 1996 Yamaha quad, 4x4, 400 cc. Front and rear rack, works good. $2800. And, 1997 Yamaha quad for parts $350. Will sell separate. 403-820-5622. 16p17
FOR SALE... Cars and trucks for parts. Elmer Currie 403-823-9760 or 403-823-0799 14p16
FOR RENT... Mid-CityProperty Management has the following unitsavailabe for rent; 2-bedroom house in Rosedale and a 2-bedroom 4-plex. Call us at 403-823-7877  or email us at Also, checkour website 7tfc
FOR RENT... House in Delia. Centrally located. 403-820-0499 15c17
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom country home, 1200 sq. ft. 16 km on paved road. Carpeted, fireplace, fridge, stove, W/D. Ideal for quiet retired couple. Call and leave message 403-823-5750. Available May 1. 15p17
FOR RENT... East Coulee, very clean 1 bedroom furnished house. F/S, W/D $600 per month plus utilities. $600 D.D. Non-smoker, no pets. Available immediately. 403-242-6869, 403-815-9063 or 403-880-2995. 15p17
FOR RENT... Clean centrally air conditioned 3 bedroom duplex in excellent residential area. 1.5 baths, developed basement, fridge and stove included. Fenced yard. June 1 possession. Call 403-820-0128. If no answer, leave message. 15tfc
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house, 221 - 3rd St. East. $750/month plus electricity. 403-820-4632 Lindsey 16p17
FOR RENT... 3 bedroom house. $850/month plus utilities. References required. Call 403-645-2415 or 403-241-7834 for more information. 16p
FOR RENT... One bedroom house in Drumheller, clean, quiet neighbourhood, yard, shed, off street parking, $595 plus utilitites. Call 403-949-3545 or email 16p18
Hunts Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr.  & 2nd St. East) Quiet,adult oriented. Garden patios  or large balconies Fridge, stove, drapesLaundry facilities Security door & intercom On-site management Nopets No smoking phone (403) 823-5643 email:

FOR RENT... 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. Newly renovated. Quiet mature people. No pets. 403-823-2823 14p16
FOR RENT... Large basement suite for rent in modernhome. Air conditioning, non-smoking, no pets allowed, long term renterpreferred. Available March 1. Quiet single person. Phone1-403-934-7349    15p17
FOR RENT... 1 bedroom basement suite. Rent $500 plus 1/3 utilities, DD.$400. Separate entrance, available immediately. Call 403-397-2351 after4:00 p.m. 15p17
FOR RENT... 1 bedroom basement suite. $600 includes utilities. Available May 1, 2009. Ph: 403-823-6729    16p18
FOR RENT... Acreage with 4 car garage. 403-820-0499 15c17 


ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C,microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also availableweekly. Phone 403-823-6844 13c15
FOR RENT... Completely furnished room available. Hassitting room, includes cable TV, laundry, cooking facilities, BBQ,patio. Utilities included. Monthly $550, also weekly rates. A home awayfrom home, call 403-823-4914 14p16
FOR RENT... Greentree area $380 per month. Bedroom inclean, quiet bi-level house. Utilities included. or403-695-7987 15p17
FOR RENT... Furnished room, sitting room, own full bathroom, private driveway/entrance. Includes utiities, cable, internet, shared laundry and kitchen. $550/monthly. Available May 1. 403-823-8939 leave message. 16p18
FOR RENT... The Haven has a room with private bath, jet tub, furnished, shared kitchen, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $720/mth, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Call 403-823-6501        16c

ROOM-MATE WANTED... Male/female room-mate wanted to share furnished house. Must supply own bedroom furniture. Newcastle area. Call 403-820-1274. 15p17
ROOM-MATE WANTED... Non-smoking male, unfurnished bedroom. Share rest of apartment. No pets. All utilities included. $450/mo. Call 403-823-9897 or leave message. 16p18
FOR RENT... Looking for a mature individual to share acreage in Rumsey. Owner there less than 10% of the time. $650 plus utilities plus D/D. N/S. References required. Available May 1. Phone 403-820-2664 16p17

INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual Offices for rent, $450 per month,includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc.Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121. 29nctfc
STORAGE LOT FOR RENT... Storage lot for rent, 252’ x 240’ 60,480sq. ft. fenced. Complete with 2 gates. Available end of November. CallRio 403-823-2981. 43tfc
FOR RENT... Self storage units by the week or month. Please call403-820-0128, if no answer, leave message and your call will bereturned promptly. 50tfc 
FOR RENT... Commercial property. 1625 sq. ft. Office/warehouse, 3phase power. 12 foot overhead door, available immediately. Locatedacross from Ralstons. 403-823-2981    10tfc
FOR RENT... STORAGE - 8x20 ft. containers. Fenced compound / 24 hr access. 403-334-0070 14c16 
HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out tfc
FOR SALE INEAST COULEE... Located at 261 - 1st Ave., 2 bedroom house situated onfour lots. Very clean and well maintained. Also has a small two roomhouse on the same property that can be used for storage or extra livingspace. For viewing and further information call 403-822-3740 14p15 
inSide Drumheller:  


Mobile Homelots available located in trailer park. Lot rent $350/mo. Conditionsapply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99000. 403-823-4499.12tfc
FOR SALE BYOWNER... Landscape 1216 sq. ft. former moduline show home, situated at84 Greenwood Villa, with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 6 appliances, largelawn, 8 x 26 open deck, insulated, energized 10 x 18 deck shed withfinished interior and 8 x 10 lawn shed. Call 403-821-2408 or403-820-9808.    15p16
WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc
Cozy one-bedroom home in Big Valley. $40,000 Heated garage withautomatic door, patio and solarium. Two storage sheds. Includesappliances; fridge, stove, washer and dryer.Phone: 1-403-876-2910NO WEEKEND CALLS 14p16s
WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc 
inSide Drumheller:

TIRED OF THE 9 TO 5 RAT RACE? Start your own Home Business using your computer to teach the Freedom Project. Free online training, great income potential. 16p19
ATTENTION: 29 people needed to lose weight and we pay you to lose weight. Call Eva 780-798-3482. 15p17
Convenient store with lunch counter looking for mature conscientious and reliable person. Must enjoy working with public. Full time and flexible hours. Phone/fax John or Gloria 403-823-9909. 15c17
Driver/labourer wanted. Must have class 3 license. Contact Craig at 403-533-3838. 16tfc
 Need your cistern tank filled or your septic tank cleaned? Call us today 403-820-0128. Reasonable rates! 13c21
Looking for a treadmill and stationary bike. Please call 403-823-2222..Leave msg. 15nc17 
Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 4tfc
FOR SALE... J.D.2007 LA130 lawn tractor. 48” cutting path, electric start, twin blade,21 HP, cruise control, reverse cutting blade, side discharge and mulch.Can haul trailer. 31 operating hours. $2200. Phone 403-823-9223 after5:30 14nc16
FOR SALE... 1981GMC Topkick tandem grain truck. 3208T, 5 speed, allison auto, newer CBIbox. 1996 38 ft Castleton tandem grain trailer c/w Micheals hopperaugers. Both units are in very good shape. Call 403-823-4510.       15p16

BULLSFOR SALE... Red Angus yearling bulls and one 2 year old herd sire.Quiet, easy calving. Performance / semen tested. Anthony Andrew (403)572-3221, Carbon. 12c20 
BULLS FOR SALE...Registered Red Angus. Virgin 2 yr olds and yearlings are available.Good bloodlines, good temperament, 100% guaranteed. Papa jack Red Angus- Call Steve 403-823-7037 14p19 
CUTBANK CATTLE CO. Innovative genetics, Polled Hereford and Red Angus yearling bulls.Many are sleep easy heifer bulls. At the 100 Lacombe sale we had the three heaviest bulls over all breeds of 120 head. Our bulls perform! Call Mick Kubinec at 403-442-2564 or 403-443-1092 Three Hills 16p21
Two year old Black Simmental bulls and two year old Red Angus bulls for sale.  Ranch raised for ranchers.  Call Brad (403) 876-2226 at Big Valley. 16p18 
HAY FOR SALE... Large round hay bales for sale.Excellent condition. Alfalfa/grass mix. Trucking available. Selfloading. 403-364-2116 or 403-364-3604. cell 403-820-5642 12p14HAY FOR SALE... 500 plus, round alfalfa/grass hay bales. Little or norain. Hanna, Drumheller area. 403-854-0964. 14p16
FOR SALE... HolmenSeed Farms Quality PED Seed. AC Metcalfe Barley, Superb wheat, StrongField Durum. Competitive prices. Ph: Carsun 403-820-1879, Wallace Res.403-823-9459, Wallace R 403-820-3575 or Seed Farm 403-823-9296 13c18 
FOR SALE... GreatPlains the camelina company. Low input costs and mantenance. Shortseason, low water use. Excellent rotational crop. competitive return.American dollar contract. Contact Barry Mason, Delia, AB 403-823-075214c16
AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.    26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”.        8nctfc

Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation ArmyChurch 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W.     37nctfc
Ladies, are you interested in a Breast Cancer SUPPORT GROUP? If so,please call Bernie Grenier at 403-823-7895 or email me atechoes9@telus.net14p16 
Together with their families, Carena Colberg and Jonathan Heer are happy to announce their engagement. Wedding to take place in July 2010. 16nc
FOUND... Blackberry phone in Carbon. Please call to identify. 403-572-3169    16nc
YOU’RE INVITED!!! Please join us on Sunday, April 26 as we honourRachelle McCrakin, bride elect of Alex Grenville, at her bridal shower.It will begin at 2:00 p.m. at the Morrin Community Hall - all ladieswelcome to attend. For more information, please call Elaine Moe at403-772-2113. Hope to see you there.    15p16
Dalum Friendship Club Tea, Thursday, June 4, 2009 at Dalum Hall. 16p 

The family of Bill Eno has been touched deeply by the concern, the thoughtfulness and the sympathy expressed to us. We are so very grateful for the prayers, the gifts of food and flowers, the phone calls, the comforting cards and the memorial donations. A special thank you to our church family - Jan Richardson who officiated at the service of celebration, Arlene and LaVerne Erickson and Toni Wilson who provided the special music, Lance Tanke who operated the sound system and the ladies of the congregation who served the lunch.Thank you to the EMS team for the rapid response to the emergency call and the kindness shown to the family. We will remember forever the heart warming support which has been extended to us at this time.Aileen Eno, David and Glenda Eno, Elizabeth and Frank Wesseling, Gordon and Laura Eno, John and Leslie Eno and families. 16p

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