February 11 - February 17 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

February 11 - February 17

DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871.  4tfc

Two single fridges used sparingly, very good condition. Rainbow vacuum cleaner, uses water as a filter $75. Call Brian at 403-823-5201 5p7
FOR SALE... Maytag washer and dryer - older model - $200/pair. Good running condition. Phone: 403-823-6137 6p
FOR SALE... Kenmore washing machine and Frigidaire dryer. 2 yrs old. Good condition. $400 obo. Call 403-823-3187 6p





INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE… Mary Kay products up to 60% off. Please call 403-823-9222. Email: dewakat@telus.net. 
Wold's Finest Cutlery - CUTCO KNIVES - Forever Guaranteed! Dianna Boyer (403) 823-4914
FOR SALE... Snap-On tool box complete with large selection of used tools. $12,000 obo. Call 403-823-7855 or 403-823-0102. 6p8 
Helpfor seniors…Light housekeeping, meal preparation, Continuing CareCompanion,Caregiver respite. Bondable caregivers. Possible subsidy forstrokesurvivors and veteran. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476. 2tfc
Needyour home cleaned? Call Charity at 403-770-2457 or 403-443-8161.Covering the areas of Nacmine and Drumheller. Consultation required
LAST CHANCE SALOON IN WAYNE; Business Hours: Monday to Saturday, 11a.m. to 11 p.m., Rooms available for $55, OFF SALES LIQUOR & BEERAVAILABLE
15-pack Rainier $20, total price!! Hi-balls & domestic beer $3.75,FREE POOL ON SATURDAYS, (Noon - 6 pm) GAMES AVAILABLE: Shuffleboard,Darts, VLT’s, Chess, Checkers, Backgammon and Pool MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS:Guitar, Banjo & Piano We welcome all levels of players to enjoy theuse of our instruments. For more info, phone 403-823-9189  5c8

 PUPPIES FOR SALE… Beautiful mini Dachshunds, not fixed, black and red,paper trained, vet checked with first shots.  Sacrifice at $500.Viewing at Pets, Parrots n’ Things. Phone 403-823-7387 or call Maryannat 403-364-0003.     4p6

Bull Mastiff pups for sale, 5 females, 2 males. $1000 each 403-321-0679    5p6

Free to a good home... 1 year old male chocolate lab. Pure bred and chipped. Good with kids. Call 403-820-1919 or 403-823-6164.    6p8

FIREWOODFORSALE... Dry split, Pine, Spruce or Birch. 1/2 cord or fullcord.Delivery available. Phone (403) 823-7948 or (403) 823-1961.  36c8

FOR SALE... 2007 Pontiac Vibe... loaded, excellent condition, 25,000 kms., warranty. Phone: 403-820-1650 Brian 5p7
FOR SALE... 2007 Toyota Prius hybrid. 25,000 kms. Phone: 403-820-1702 6p8
FOR SALE... 2003 Pontiac Grand Am GT. White, 2 door, fully loaded except leather. 74,000 kms, excellent condition. Asking $7500. Call 403-823-4378. 6p8
FOR SALE... 1989 I.H.C. Gravel truck in nice shape, 4 extra wheels and tires. Inspection good until end of June 2009. For more info, call 403-665-2247 6p
FOR SALE... 1997 GMC Sierra SLT 2 wheel drive extended cab, 3rd door, short box, 5.7 litre Vortec. Tow package with brake control. Sprayed box liner, keyless entry, remote starter, roll topper. 172,000 kms. Asking $6500 OBO. Phone: 403-823-3028 6c
 FOR SALE... 1993 Aerostar, 250,000+ km, interior in good shape. Little rusty $700 obo 403-823-6796 5p7
FOR SALE... 2008 V-8 Chevy 4-door, fully loaded. 7000 kms. For more info, 403-820-4170. 6p8
FOR RENT... 2-bedroom trailer, F&S, dishwasher included. $750 per month $750 DD. Utilities not included. Phone 403-854-3532 5p7
FOR RENT… Large basement suite for rent in modern home. Close to downtown, air conditioning, non-smoking, no pets allowed, long term renter preferred, minimum 1 year lease. Available immediately. Quiet, single person. Phone 1-403-254-0191, or 1-403-934-7349 after 6 p.m. 5p7
FOR RENT... Clean, two bdrm house. East Downtown location, $600/m lease + utilities. $600 DD. Available March 2nd. Fridge, stove, washer, dryer. No pets 403-256-6763 after 6, M-F 5p7
FOR RENT... 3 bedroom house, 1 bath, close to downtown, large yard. $700 a month + utilities & D.D. No pets, fridge and stove included. Available April 1 403-823-9292 5p7
FOR RENT... Cozy one bedroom house in Nacmine. Washer, dryer, fridge and stove. House has large deck that backs onto a huge yard. Rent is $500 + utilities and $500 for damage deposit. Call Dave at 403-823-6151. Available right away. 6p7
FOR RENT... Charming 2 bedroom home located along river, downtown area. Avail. Immediately. $600/mo 403-823-8060 Paul. 5p7
FOR RENT... 3 bedroom house at 57 Cedar Crescent in Drumheller. For more information, call 403-471-1498 or e-mail baydidservices@shaw.ca 6p8
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house, available immediately. $700/month + utilities. D.D. Close to shopping mall. Call 403-891-7182 6p
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom manufactured home at 17 Poplar Grove Trailer Park. F/S, with/without W/D, wall A/C. Includes water and sewer. Available February 28. 403-823-2406 days, 403-823-3743 evenings. 6p
FOR RENT... 1 bedroom house close to downtown. Fridge, stove $475/month + utilities. Phone: 403-820-2834 leave message. 6pFOR RENT... Townhouse in Lethbridge, minutes from University. 2 rooms available with A/C. Bob Davidson 403-823-0746. 6c
 Mid-CityProperty Management has the following units availabe for rent;3-bedroom house and a 2-bedroom 4-plex.  Call us at 403-823-7877 oremail us at midcity@telus.net. Also, check our website atwww.mid-cityproperty.com
HOUSE FOR RENT.... 2 bedroom house for rent on large lot by river in Cambria. Incl. W/D, F/S. Well trained pets welcome. $900/mo $600 D.D. 403-820-1314 or 403-820-9788. 4nctfc
Century 21 Power Realty Ltd. has the following properties available for rent: 3 bdrm. house $1200 + utilities. 3 bdrm house $900 + utilities. 2 bdrm house $850 + utilities. References required before showings. Call 823-2121 for more information. 4tfc
HOUSE FOR RENT... Fridge, stove, A/C, W/D included, 2 bedroom, 1200 sq. feet. $750 per month, plus 1/2 utilities and D.D. Located downtown. Available March 1st. Phone: 403-820-4146. 4p6
HOUSE FOR RENT... W/D included, dishwasher, fridge, stove, A/C, 3 bedroom, 1200 sq. feet. $950 per mon plus 1/2 utilities and D.D. Located downtown. Available March 1st. Phone: 403-820-4146 4p6 
FOR RENT... 1 + 2 bedroom apartments. No pets, 6 month leases, mature people. Phone 403-823-2823 4p6
FOR RENT... One bedroom luxury suite available next to Everybody’s Gym. Includes all utilities, wireless internet, cable TV, furnished, A/C, fireplace, jet tub, king carriage bed, laundry facilities. $1200/month. 403-823-6501. 4tfc
FOR RENT... Large 2 bedroom in adult building. No pets. Phone Chris 403-823-2564 6c
Mid-CityProperty Management has the following units availabe for rent; 1 &2-bedroom apartments.  Call us at 403-823-7877 oremail us atmidcity@telus.net. Also, check our website atwww.mid-cityproperty.com
HuntsPlace Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr. and 2nd St. East) Quiet, adultoriented. Garden patios or large balconies, Fridge, stove, drapes,laundry facilities, Security door & intercom, On-site management,No pets, No smoking, phone (403) 823-5643 or email: shacklet@telus.net 
FOR RENT... Furnished basement suite in Newcastle Beach for responsible clean single. Includes utilities, laundry. Available immediately. $500 per month plus $500 D.D. Please contact 403-823-2629. 6p8 
FOR RENT... The Haven has a room with private bath, shared kitchen, furnished, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $640/month, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Call 823-6501 52tfc
ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS… New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844. 4c6
FOR RENT... Very comfortable completely furnished room. Includes a sitting room, cable TV and cooking facilities. All utilities are included. Good location $550 per month. Please phone: 403-823-4043 5p7
FOR RENT... Large room for rent in home; downtown area. Use of all facilities including washer/dryer. $500/mo. Paul 403-823-0433. 5p7
FOR RENT... Downtown - Quiet furnished room with TV, use of sitting room, microwave, Fridge & free coffee center, wireless internet, housekeeping & utilities included. Phone: 403-823-6700. 5tfc
FOR RENT... The Haven has a large furnished room with private bath, fireplace, jetted tub, walk-in closet, shared kitchen, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $825/mth, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Avail. March 1. Call 403-823-6501. 6tfc


INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual Offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121. 29nctfc
STORAGE LOT FOR RENT... Storage lot for rent, 252’ x 240’ 60,480 sq. ft. fenced. Complete with 2 gates. Available end of November. Call Rio 403-823-2981. 43tfc
FOR RENT... Commercial property. 1625 sq. ft. Office/ warehouse, 3 phase power. 12 foot overhead door, available immediately. Located across from Ralstons. 403-823-2981. 44tfc
FOR RENT... Self storage units by the week or month. Please call 403-820-0128, if no answer, leave message and your call will be returned promptly. 50tfc
FOR RENT... 1 Stop Storage. 8x8x20 ft. containers. Water and rodent proof. Phone 403-334-0070. 4c6

HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out www.powerrealty.ca. tfc
HOUSE TO BE MOVED... 1168 Sq. ft 3 bedroom bungalow. Original hardwood floors, mahogany cupboards, new windows. $40,000 OBO. Phone 403-820-1392 or 403-787-2430 5p8
MOBILEHOMESFOR SALE... Greenwood Villa MHP. New and used mobile homes forsale.Starting at $17,500. For more information call Suzanne.403-823-4499.
WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc
WANTED CULTIVATED LAND FOR LEASE OR PURCHASE… Looking for land for the upcoming spring. Offering competitive, flexible, and negotiable agreements. For more information, please call 403-333-3153. 50p8
FOR SALE... Section 4-32-20-W4M, 7 miles from Morrin corner, 480 a. cultivated, 160 a. native pasture (approx. 110 a. fenced with dugout). $14,000 plus/ year oil revenue. 17,500 bushels grain storage. Contact 403-226-3787after 6 p.m. MST. 3p8
WANTED cultivated land for lease or PURCHASE.... Looking to lease for the upcoming year in the Drumheller, Dalum, Verdant Valley, Rosebud area. Please call 403-823-9222 or cell 403-854-1044. 4p6
FOR RENT... Farmland for rent, North East of Morrin. Approx. 800 seedable acres available for upcoming spring. Accepting bids until February 28th. For more information contact 403-772-2153 or 403-334-1053. 5p8 
Live-in caregiver to look after 2 children. $1747.07 a month. Call Lea at 823-08912 or send resume to: riavpestano@yahoo.com     5p7

Mature students looking for furnished/semi-furnished apartment or house to rent for 6 months. Phone 403-436-0201, ask for Jonathan.    4p6
WANTED...Online trainers wanted, computer a must. Earn an income you deserve.Start a mini-office outlet from home. www.iamfree123.com 

Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 
Maturestudents looking for furnished/semi-furnished apartment or house torent for 6 months. Phone 403-436-0201, ask for Jonathan.  
 Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 4tfc
Barley wanted: Hwy21 Feeders of Acme is buying off farm Barley for immediate of deferreddelivery. Contact Shawn at 403-546-2278, ext. 8    5p8


AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.    26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at7 p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”.        8nctfc

Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, SalvationArmy Church 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W.     37nctfc



Senior looking for female companion. Non-smoker, non-drinker, ages 40 and up. Must be honest and sincere. Please call 403-854-5866 or 403-854-8535    4p6
FREECHILDREN’SART ADVENTURE CLASSES... Ages 7 to 9. Sundays 1 - 2 p.m.February 1, 8,15 and 22 at the Badlands Gallery. Please call Nancy at403-823-8168 toreserve a spot for your child (maximum class size = 6).Funding forthis program is provided by the Alberta Foundation for theArts. 3p
Comedy Night hosted by Big Valley Ag Society. Saturday, February 14, supper and show. $30. Call 403-876-2064, for tickets. 3c6
 NOTICE... Wayne Community Association is now accepting bids for a new metal roof on the hall. All bids must be in by February 20, 2009. An up to date workers compensation number must accompany bid. For more info, phone Fred at 403-823-9189.    6c
NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS Estate of JOHN DOUGLAS BARNES,of the Town of Drumheller,who died on December 8, 2008.If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by March 18, 2009. With: Schumacher, Gough & CompanyBarristers and SolicitorsAt: Box 2800Drumheller, Alberta T0J 0Y0If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.Creditors: You must include a full description and value of the debt you allege the deceased owed you and a full description and value of any of the deceased’s property that you hold as security for the debt. Claimants: you must include a full description of your claim and why you have a right to make such a claim.
To Irene & John Kohut. Congratulations on your 50th Anniversary! Love Auntie Doreen.     6c
Comedy Night hosted by Big Valley Ag Society. Saturday, February 14,supper and show. $30. Call 403-876-2064, for tickets.         3c6

MODIFIED YOGA... Classes will run on Wednesdays for 10 weeks,beginning on February 4 to April 8, from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. Classes willbe held at Carol Todor’s Dance Studio (back alley  entrance across fromthe Legion). Drop in for some warm ups, gentle stretching andrelaxation using modified yoga positions. Great for seniors and thosewith any type of joint or mobility problems. There is no charge forthese classes, and anyone is welcome to attend. Sponsored by theDrumheller & Area Chapter of the MS Society of Canada.     5c6

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