February 24 - March 2, 2010 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad. | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

February 24 - March 2, 2010 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad.


FOR SALE... Iron Out Water Treatment System Marvel Iron Filter with sump pump and submersible pump. Includes paperwork. Value $8000, asking $3000. Call Remie 403-820-1314.    3tfc

FOR SALE... MOVING SALE - MUST SELL; 1999 Kawasaki ATV, Yanmar Diesel Tractor - attach incl. mower, tiller, blade, front end loader. Excellent condition. 2 Troy Built Hand Rotor-tillers. 4 pce older style dresser, mirror, headboard and chest of drawers. Misc. yard, garage and household items. Call: 403-823-4230 or leave a message.    8p

FOR SALE... White side by side Fridge/freezer with ice maker. $175.00 403-823-4513.    8p



Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, respite help for caregivers and personal companions for Continuing Care residents - all available. Reasonable hourly rates with bondable insured staff. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476.    2tfc

Need $$$? Looking for a car loan, second mortgage or consolidation? Bank say no? Then call us! Call 403-334-5555 or visit drumhellerfinancial.com.    4p3Valley Tree Care. Pruning and removals. Arborculture training, fully insured. Locally owned and operated. Phone: 403-822-3185, leave message.    8p10

Koncepts computers. For complete computer services. Initial setup, virus removal, pc repair and more. For information and the service you deserve! Call 403-821-0140.    8p

THE BROAD SQUAD... The cleaning team with a broad array of services to meet all your needs and wants. For a free estimate, call 403-823-8510. 5p8



FIREWOOD... Firewood for sale starting at $50/cord. Dry pine, spruce, poplar and birch. Large or small volumes. Delivery available. Phone: 1-780-723-8100.            41p13

FIREWOOD FOR SALE... Dry split, Pine or Spruce. 1/2 cord or full cord. Delivery available. Phone 403-823-7948 or 403-823-1961.    44c17



To give away to loving farm family, 8 mo. old male border collie. Loves children. 403-821-0340.           




FOR SALE... 01 Kia Rio, dark green. 174,000 km. $3600. Call 403-821-0340.    8p10

FOR SALE... Low km 2000 Mustang - 2-door, pearled purple V6 5 spd - loaded - great grad present for college bound student. $6999 Call 403-820-2254.     8p

FOR SALE... ATT: DEMO LOVERS. 1989 Pontiac Tempest. Auto, 4-door, P.S. Needs muffler, which can be supplied. $450 as is. Call 403-820-2254.    8p



FOR SALE... 1997 Ford Aerostar. Good condition. Offers. Ph: 403-820-0719.    7p8

FOR SALE... Classic trucks: 1968 Mercury, auto - $7500. 3 - 1950’s chev trucks - Great for restoration. Starting at $850. Call 403-820-2254.    8p

FOR SALE... 1 ton dump truck flat deck. 1980 2x4 Chev 350 4 spd. Mich. tires - runs great. Asking $1850. Call 403-820-2254. Drive it home.    8p

FOR SALE... 20 passenger school bus - 1988 FORD 6 cyl Diesel. Auto. Cheap to run, good shape, great for sports teams or charity groups. $3500. Call 403-820-2254.    8p

FOR SALE... 2007 Chev 3/4 ton ext. cab long box. 4x4, 108,000 km. Excellent condition. GM Powertrain warranty until 160,000 km.  $18,500 + tax. 403-823-0366.    8p9



FOR SALE... 2005 Honda 500 Fortrex Quad. New battery and tires - real workhorse. $1995. Call 403-820-2254.    8p



FOR SALE... 7 HP Mercury outboard motor and fuel tank. Runs great. Ready to go, good for canoe. $800 obo. 403-820-2254.    8p

FOR SALE... Rims and tires - 17” and 18” for 2006 Ford 350 plus body parts and 6 L diesel motor. Call 403-820-2254.    8p

FOR SALE... Nice topper for 3/4 ton 2006 Chev “long box”. $550. Also, 6 L gas engine for same truck. Call 403-820-2254.    8p



FOR RENT... Mid-City Property Management. www.mid-cityproperty.com or email midcity@telus.net. Would you hire a physician to repair your dishwasher? Why leave a major responsibility to well meaning friends? We are professional Property Managers with a wide range of services. Call us at 403-823-7877 and we will set a program to meet your management needs. 7tfc

FOR RENT... 2 bdrm house in Midland near hospital. Older single or couple.. References necessary. No large pets. $800/month plus util. and D.D. Phone: 403-820-2070.    8tfc

FOR RENT... Clean centrally air conditioned 3 bedroom duplex. 1050 sq. ft. in excellent residential area. Fenced yard, 1.5 bathrooms. Developed basement, fridge and stove included. Possession date Mar. 1/2010. Call 403-820-0128, if no answer leave message and your call will be returned promptly.    4tfc

FOR RENT... Clean two bedroom, full basement, fenced yard. No smoking or pets. $900 mo, $900 sec. dep. 403-816-8886.    7p8

FOR RENT... Available immediately. 2 bedroom house downtown. W/D, F/S, newly renovated. References will be required. For viewings, please call 403-823-8779.    8p

FOR RENT... 3 bedroom house on Cedar Crescent. For more info, please call 403-275-9343 or 403-968-3417.    8p9

FOR RENT... LONELY HOUSE looking to be a home! I’m a cute newly renovated 2 b/r house close to the pool in Drumheller. $875. Call 403-334-5252.    8p

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom clean, quiet house in Drumheller.  The house rental includes yard, shed, fridge, stove, curtains. Utilities extra. Available end of March. jac@davincibb.net or 403-949-3545.    8p

FOR RENT... East Coulee 1 bedroom furnished house. $850 a month includes utilities, high speed internet. $850 DD. No smoking, no pets. References required. 403-822-3862, 403-242-6869, cell: 403-815-9063.    8p10

FOR RENT... 2 & 3 bedroom manufactured homes. Fridge, stove, washer & dryer and water included in rent. Available March 1. 403-823-2406 days.    8p

FOR RENT... 1 bedroom home, heated garage, workshop, downtown. W/D, built in vacuum. No pets, smoking. Reference a must. $700 + utilities. 403-823-3925.    8c

FOR RENT... 4 bedroom home. $650 plus utilities. Non smoking, no pets, references required. Phone: Arlene 403-823-5812.    8p



FOR RENT... Hunts Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr. & 2nd St. East). Quiet, adult oriented. Garden patios or large balconies. Fridge, stove, drapes. Laundry facilities. Security door & intercom. No pets, no smoking. Phone: (403) 823-2823.

FOR RENT... One bedroom apartment in adult building. No pets. Available March 1. 403-823-6122.    51tfc

FOR RENT... Bachelor suite (single person), $510 per month includes utilities. Downtown above Cash Store. Call 403-324-2222 for more information.    7nc9

FOR RENT... WALK TO DOWNTOWN. 2 br furnished suite, 2 baths, F. S., W/D, D/W, micro. All utilities included. Avail. immediately. 403-820-3146.    8c10

FOR RENT... Bright 2 bedroom corner apartment. Available February 28. Clean, quiet adult building. For more info, call 403-823-8577.    8c9

FOR RENT... 1 bedroom apartment in adult building. No pets. Available March 1. 403-823-6122.    8tfc

FOR RENT... 1 - 2 bedroom apartment. No pets, adult building. 403-823-2564.    8c



FOR RENT... Upstairs of Everybody’s Gym, furnished, private bath, shared kitchen and laundry facilities, cable TV and wireless. $625 + DD. 403-823-6501.    6tfc

FOR RENT... Attention Oilfield workers. New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone: 403-823-6844.    7c9

FOR RENT... Furnished bedroom, share rest of apartment, all utilities included. $450 per month. Phone: 403-823-9897 or leave message.    8p9



INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121.    29nctfc

FOR LEASE... Commercial property. 1625 sq. ft. of office/warehouse space. $20,000 worth of shelving for use if needed. 1 - 12 ft. overhead door. Located across from Ralstons. Call Rio at 403-823-2981.    25tfc




HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out www.powerrealty.ca.     5tfc



Mobile Home lots available located in trailer park. Lot rent $400/mo. Conditions apply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99000. 403-823-4499.    12tfc

FOR SALE... OR RENT TO OWN, mobile home. Phone: Suzanne 403-823-4499.    3tfc

FOR SALE... Greenwood Villa. Brand new SRI 1520 sq. ft. 4 bdrm / 2 baths. Great country kitchen. Move in now for only $129,500. 5% down OAC. Bill or Suzanne, 403-823-4499; 403-820-2397. 5p8



Judicial Sale of Thunder Road Diner Inc. and Daniel G. Mohan Under order for foreclosure
605 - 2nd Street Three Hills, AB.  Further Details Call MaxWell Westview Realty Marie Muddle (403) 443-1450



WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214.  49tfc



ATTN: Local people needed to work from home online. $500 - $4500 pt/ft. Call Gillian at 1-877-827-5818. www.totalabundance.theonlinebusiness.com    6p9

Rosebud Seed Cleaning Plant is looking for a Manager, to start immediately.
Salary commensurate with experience along with benefit and pension plans. 
Certificates are required for this position. For more info, contact Lillian at 403-677-2231. 7c10

WANTED... Experienced Small Engine Mechanic (in Drumheller). Flexible Hours. Must be able to work with minimal supervision. Must be honest and reliable. Please forward your resume, including references and salary expectations, to: PO Box 445, Carbon, AB T0M 0L0.    7p10

WANTED... Summer help wanted for weed control and tractor/mower operators. Must have H2S and First Aid. Call 403-820-1479 or email scott@westcountry.ca            8p13

WANTED... Full time herds/maintenance position for hogbarn farrow to finish, Mon - Friday. South east of Three Hills. Competitive salary and benefits. Please call Marcel at Rupert/Lansink farms. 403-572-3300.    8p10



DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871.     4tfc



Bench press bench and stand and free weights up to 20 lbs.  Would also be interested in a rebounder. 403-823-0768   6nc7



Don’t let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146.    4tfc





FOR SALE... John Deere riding mower, comes with 42” cutting deck, snowblower, push blade and rototiller. Rebuilt motor, runs great. $1500 Call 403-820-2254.            8p



BUYING BARLEY, CANOLA AND WHEAT... Hwy 21 Feeders of Acme is buying Canola, Wheat and Barley for immediate or deferred delivery. Flat prices or Basis Contracts available. Contact Ed at 403-546-2278, ext. 3.    3p10

CERTIFIED COPELAND BARLEY... 99% germination , 99% Vigor. CERTIFIED MEADOW PEAS, 94% germination. Donald Mueller 403-823-3177, cell: 403-820-0491.    3p16

SEED FOR SALE - King’s Seed Farm Ltd. WHEAT - Unity, CDC Go, Harvest, Teal. BARLEY - Metcalfe. PEAS - Meadow, Tamara. FLAX - Bethune. OATS, CANOLA and other varieties
available on request 403-443-7330 Farm 403-443-0005 Harold’s cell 403-443-3333 David’s cell



FOR SALE... ORDER NOW! Brown Isa chickens $6.75 each. Ready to lay eggs by April 18. Preferred pick up dates are April 15 - 17. Call Calvin at 888-546-4017 or 403-546-5265. Linden, AB. 5p15

WAWEDASH FARMS All Red Factor Charolais Bull Sale. Wed. March 17, 2010, Dryland Cattle Corp. Veteran, AB at 1 pm. 30 Semen Tested 2 yr olds, + 20 Replacement Yearling Heifers. Wayne Hislop (306) 968-2414 or Shannon Kuzmiski (403) 664-2755.        7c11

CANADIAN REDS - 37TH ANNUAL RED ANGUS BULL SALE - SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 2010 at 1:00 pm at the MEDICINE HAT FEEDING COMPANY, Medicine Hat, AB. 60 top indexing yearling bulls will sell from FIVE established Red Angus Breeders. Complete E.P.D.’s and carcass data info. Semen tested with breeders guarantee. FOR MORE INFO CALL: Wayne 403-813-8416 or Anthony 403-572-3221.        8c10



AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.    26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group3 meets every Monday at 7p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”.        8nctfc

Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation ArmyChurch 241 1st St. West. Contact: Helen 403-823-5593.     37nctfc

We would like to inform you that the Dine & Dance at Rosedale put on by the Royal Purple is cancelled.    



TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; I am hereby no longer responsible  for any debts incurred by my wife, Brenda L. McLellan, as of 17 January, 2010.
Kevin M. McLellan Sr.    8p9



Faith as if Food Matters is a study series produced by the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. The goal of this resource is to engage people in questions of faith and food and agriculture. It will be offered at Knox United Church on Thursdays February 25 - April 1, 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. A 7-10 minute DVD clip of interviews with people involved in different aspects of our food system, will spark these weekly discussion groups. Contact person = Jan Richardson (403-823-2366).    7c8

NOTICE - Last Chance Saloon in Wayne. Hours of operation; Mon. to Sat. - 11 am to 11 pm. Free Pool every Saturday. Games and Instruments Available. Shuffle Board, Darts, Pool, Chess, Checkers, Cribbage, Banjo, Guitar, Piano. Rooms Available $55.00. Ph: 403-823-9189.    7c9

Irish stew and biscuits. March 17, 2010, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at the Seniors Centre, 160 3 Ave. West. Come one, come all.    8c10

Ham Dinner Buffet... Fill your plate and help yourself to a full and happy tummy. Friday, Feb. 26, 6-8 p.m. East Coulee School Museum.    8c



We would like to thank everyone who has donated in Rick’s memory for cancer to the Drumheller Cancer Centre. Joanne, James and Thomas Schow.    8p

The family of the late Doreen Henry of Carbon, Alta, would like to express its heartfelt thanks to the following; Dr. D. Maseka and staff of Drumheller Hospital, the staff of Drumheller Continuing Care, Pioneer Lane, for the care and compassion given to our mother and wife during her stay. Thank you to the Springvale and Arrowood Hutterite Colonies, for their special friendship and a very special thanks to Susan Hildebrand and Rick and Kim Turpin for their special effort, care and compassion given to our mother and father. Your help took great stress off the family when we are so far away. You will never be forgotten, thank you. Thank you to all who shared in Doreen’s life! Don Marshall, Allen and Janette McDonald and family, Patty, Herb and family.    8p

St. Magloires Anglican Church thanks all those that attended our annual Shrove pancake supper.            8p

We would like to thank everyone for their thoughts and kindness in our time of sorrow, for the visits, cards, flowers, food and calls. To Dr. Olfert, Acute Care, Continuing Care staff for their kindness and care for Linda. Jessica for all she has done and Chris for all the expertise for the slide show. A special thank you to Shirley Komarniski for the beautiful graveside service and memorial for our Linda. We cannot thank you all enough. Bill Wiggins, Rhonda, Jeff, Troy and Megan, Judy Hunter, Donna Kalman, Tammy Heune and Randy Hunter.    8p


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