August 20 - August 26 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateThu, 13 Feb 2025 10am

August 20 - August 26


FOR SALE... Single wooden child’s loft bed complete with mattress. 6 drawers on bottom and 6 door cabinet. $500 o.b.o. Phone Marilyn at 403-820-7791. 34p36
FOR SALE... 1 almond electric stove, 1 almond range hood, 1 Sanyo microwave, 1 Coleman high efficiency furnace, all in excellent condition. Call 403-823-4633, after 6 p.m. 34p36


HELP FOR SENIORS... Light housekeeping, meal preparation, Continuing Care Companion, Caregiver respite. Bondable caregivers. Possible subsidy for stroke survivors and veterans. Call HELPING HANDS (403) 364-2476.                                 5tfc52
MITCH’S APPLIANCE REPAIR... Minor repairs to large appliances. Retired technician, 35 years experience. Sorry, no dishwashers. (403) 823-0327.    32c35



FOR SALE... Two pairs of boys “Graf” hockey skates - sizes 5 and 5 1/2. Used only one hockey season. Call Shelley at 403-368-3735. 33c34
If anyone would like to understand Final Events of Bible Prophecy call this number: 403-822-3161 to receive a DVD. 33p36
FOR SALE... 28 ft. x 32 ft. hip roof barn; built in 1927. $3,000 o.b.o. To be moved. Call Barry Mason at 403-364-2129. 33c35
FOR SALE... New ExpressVu satellite T.V. receiver, $80. 403-823-0385. 33p34

FIREWOOD FOR SALE... Dry split, Pine, Spruce or Birch. 1/2 cord or full cord. Delivery available. Phone 823-7948 or 823-1961. 13c35

TO GIVE AWAY... Cats and kittens to give away. Phone Shelley at 403-368-3735. 33c34
FOR SALE... 2002 GMC Z71 half ton. 80,000 km, very good condition. Lots of extras. $16,500 o.b.o. Call evenings 403-823-7382. Quad doors.    34p36
FOR SALE... 2007 Jeep Compass, 2WD, loaded, sunroof, 19,500 km, 38 + mpg. Phone 403-823-2657.    34p36
FOR SALE... 2004 B4000 Mazda 4x4; A/C, cruise, tilt, PW, PL, CD, AM/FM, Michelin tires, very clean, under 100,000 kms! Cap, towing package, reese hitch. Call 403-593-1755 or 403-823-5862 after 6 p.m. Asking $14,500.    34p
TRUCK FOR SALE... 1997 Ford Expedition  XLT, 180,000 kms. Very good condition. $7,500 o.b.o. Phone 403-533-2382.        34p36
FOR SALE...2004 Chevy Venture Van. 151,391 km’s. Good tires, used as commercial vehicle. Asking $6,500. Call Larry at 403-823-5052 or Gunnar at 403-823-9825.

FOR SALE... Jianshe Tiger 200 dirt bike. $1800 o.b.o. 403-821-3883. Won, never used. 34p35
FOR SALE... 1997 Cardinal 27.5 ft. 5th wheel trailer; hardwood floor, daynight shades, L.R. slide, arctic package, microwave, T.V., A/C, power jacks. Asking $17,500. 403-364-2282, Delia. 33p34
FOR SALE... 1989 19’ Terry resort trailer tandem. Sleeps six, in very good condition. $6,500 o.b.o., call evenings. 403-823-7382. 34p36
HOLIDAY TRAILER FOR SALE... 1991 Prowler, 26 1/2 ft., 1/2 ton towable, loaded. Very good condition, $8000 o.b.o. Phone 403-533-2382. 34p36  

FOR SALE... Dodge hard tonneau cover (silver in colour). $1000 o.b.o., fits 2003 3/4 ton or newer. 403-321-5999. 34p36
CONDO FOR RENT... Thinking of taking a week’s vacation in Kelowna? Rent a great condo a block from the beach in a brand new complex. 31nc39
HOUSE FOR RENT... Small one bedroom house for rent in downtown area. Fenced yard. $595/month. (403) 820-1709. 32tfc
FOR RENT... Downtown, beautiful, large, fully furnished 6 bedroom, 2 storey Heritage Home with 3 1/2 baths. Large dining room, living room, private driveway and ensuite bathroom. Quiet street and large yard. Has been used as a B&B. Price includes utilities, cable T.V., 6 appliances, air conditioning, all furnishings, bedding, towels and dishes. References and lease required. $2,850 per month, $2,850 security deposit. Phone 403-823-6466. 33p35
FOR RENT... Spacious 3 bedroom house at Bankview Drive, Drumheller. Includes 5 appliances, air conditioning, 2 1/2 washrooms, developed basement, large yard, shed, deck. $1,295/month + utilities. Available September 1. 403-630-7155 or 403-823-8149. 33p35
HOUSE FOR RENT... 3 bedroom house in Morrin. Available September 1, 2008. Rent $550 per month plus utilities, D.D. $550.Phone 403-815-5422. 34c
FOR RENT... 4 bedroom duplex for rent. A/C, stove, fridge, no smoking, no pets. $800/mo plus utilities. $800 damage deposit. References required. Phone 403-823-7398. 34p36
HOUSE FOR RENT... Deluxe 2 bedroom house in Riverview. Includes fridge, stove, washer, dryer, all utilities plus satellite, internet and yard care, no smoking. Available August 1. Call (403) 334-5555. 34c
FOR RENT... 2 bedroom trailer c/w stove, fridge, washer/dryer, satellite T.V., power, gas, water. Available now. 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405. 33p35

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom fully furnished suite in bi-level home on Riverside Drive. Newly painted, quiet, clean with large windows and private entrance. Price includes all utilities, satellite T.V., furniture and 5 appliances. No children, pets or smoking. References required. $1,080 per month, $1080 security deposit. Phone 403-823-6466. 33p35
FOR RENT... 1 bedroom apartment in mature adult building c/w stove, fridge, A/C, free laundry. Available September 1. 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405. 33p35
FOR RENT... Furnished basement suite, includes fridge, stove. Rent $600 plus D.D. All utilities included. 10 min drive to Drumheller. Available the beginning of September. Phone (403) 823-6729. 34p36

ROOM FOR RENT... The Haven has a room with private bath, shared kitchen, jetted tub, fireplace, furnished, cable TV, wireless internet, laundry, at $760/month, upstairs of Everybody’s Gym. Call (403) 823-6501 or 8201709. 29tfc
ATTENTION OILFIED WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates, also available weekly. Dinosaur Hotel, (403) 823-6844. 32c34
GREENTREE AREA... $420 per month, bedroom in quiet, clean bi-level house, utilities included. Phone 403-695-7987 or 33p35

INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. (403) 823-2121. 29nctfc
Houses for Sale - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out 5tfc
HOUSE FOR SALE IN RIVERSIDE... 4 bedroom bungalow. Heated double car garage. Close to schools. 419 - 16 St. E. $230,000. Call 403-823-7256 or 403-823-8226 after 5 p.m. NO REALTORS. 34p36
HOME FOR SALE... Comfortable home approx. 1400 sq. ft. situated on a 8400 sq. ft. lot On North Dinosaur Trail, for more details contact 1-403-392-2134. 34p36

FOR SALE... New mobile homes for sale. Now selling, new mobile homes starting at $109,900. Full set up in mobile home park. Lot rent $350 per month. Includes water. Call Suzanne (403) 823-4499. 11tfc
MOBILE HOME FOR SALE... 1972 mobile home to be moved. $17,500. Phone Suzanne (403) 823-4499. 23tfc
TO BE MOVED... 1997 16’x80’ SRI mobile home. Open floor plan, 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Wood stove, washer and dryer, dishwasher and new gas range. $65,000. Phone (403) 364-2239. 32p34
FOR SALE BY OWNER... Landscaped 1,216 sq. ft. former moduline show home, situated at 84 Greenwood Villa, with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 5 appliances, large lawn, 8’ x 26’ open deck, insulated, energized 10’ x 18’ deck shed with finished interior and 8’ x 10’ lawn shed. Rent $350/month. Asking $114,900. Call 403-821-2408 or 403-820-9808. 34nc35
FOR SALE... Section 4-32-20-W4M, near Morrin, (asking $1200/acre) 480 cultivated 160 native pasture (90 a. fenced with dugout). $14,000 +/year oil revenue. 17500 bushels grain storage. Contact (403) 226-3787 after 6 p.m. MST. 32p34
FOR RENT SEPARATE OR TOGETHER... Acreage for rent near Rosedale; 1,200 sq. ft. house, 5 appliances. Shop; 6,500 sq. ft. or per bay plus other out buildings. 403-821-0929 or 403-821-3770. Available immediately. 33p35


HELP WANTED... Required a Class 1 driver with experience in end dump gravel base work. Calgary and area. Send resume or apply at 32p34
HELP WANTED... Excavator/dozer operator, preferably with experience. 2 months in this area, long term negotiable. Phone Bruce (403) 540-1536. 33p34
HELP WANTED... Harvest help wanted, starting immediately. Fax resume to 403-364-2004 or call Barry Mason at 403-364-2129. 33c34
SERVICE MANAGER required immediately at Hanna Chrysler Ltd. in Hanna, Alberta. Newer 8-bay facility. Small town atmosphere and cost of living. Please send resume with references by fax 403-854-2845 or email 33c36
HELP WANTED... Full-time position on grain cow/calf operation in Drumheller area. Assets: Class 1 driver’s and calving experience. Housing and utilities included. Fax resume to 403-823-4090 or call 403-334-9977. 34p
HELP WANTED... Part-time cook and part-time server required at Morrin Hotel. Only 15 minutes from Drumheller. Phone Blaine or Ruby 403-772-2255. 34c36
HELP WANTED... Experienced servers/breakfast cook and cook, full-time and part-time, please phone 403-823-6511 ask for Ada, or apply in person to Dino’s Restaurant and Pub, 103 Grove Place, Drumheller. 34c37
HELP WANTED... Accounting/Administrative Assistant required immediately for a progressive agricultural equipment dealership. Two years minimum accounting and administration experience preferred. Send resume along with cover letter to: Leanne Madsen, Deer Valley Implements Ltd., Box 1330 - 3049 Highway 10 E., Drumheller, Ab T0J 0Y0 or email 34c36 

Need general house cleaning help? Call Charity at 403-770-2457 or 403-443-8161. Covering the towns of Drumheller, Carbon, Morrin, Munson, Nacmine and Orkney area. 33p35

Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. (403) 820- 3146. 4tfc
HOUSE/APARTMENT WANTED ... Professional repsonsible 44 year old male moving to Drumheller requires two bedroom house or apartment immediately (preferably with all appliances). References available. Call 403-436-0592 or email 34p36
FOR SALE... 2 - 25’ Macdon PT swathers complete with PU reels, keersheers and crop lifters. 1 - 30’ Honey Bee draper strait cut header complete with PU reels and crop lifters. Fits 9610 - JD combine. Also have adapter for 2388 Case IH combine. All equipment is in very good shape. 2 - Aeration motors with assortments of tubes. Will accept reasonable offers. Monty Metzger, Phone (403) 947-2040, cell (403) 615-1620. 31p36
FOR SALE... Four used steel grain storage rings with tarps. Three are 39 ft. approximately 6800 bushels. One is 35 ft. approximately 5250 bushel. Half of new price. Phone 403-321-0510 or 403-321-1510. 34p35
FOR SALE... 25 ft. and 30 ft. steel bat reels for hearders; heavy duty disc marker; 250 gal. water tank on frame, auto pilot GPS steering, complete, including rebuilt controller ($2800 o.b.o); 7 ft. dozer blade, CR960 tarp (never used, $200 o.b.o). Phone 403-823-0752 Barry Mason, Delia. 34c36
FOR SALE... 5288 IHC tractor, 590 John Deere swather. Call (403) 823-7853.



AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373. 26nctfc
THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7 p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “Open Meeting”. 8nctfc
The Drumheller Navy League Annual General Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 15 at the Navy League building. Everyone welcome. 34c  
Male Pomeranian dog, he is reddish/blonde in colour. If found please call (403) 823-3748 or (403) 321-0742.
LOST... Canon Power Shot, A70 3.2 mega pixel camera. Black case with black shoulder strap. Lost early afternoon on August 15. If found please call 204-383-5754. 34p  

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