Who Are You? Vicki Black | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 26 Jul 2024 12pm

Who Are You? Vicki Black


Employer: St. Anthony’s School.
Title: Grade 5 teacher.
Age: 38
How long have you been teaching in Drumheller? Since 2009.
Where are you from? Edmonton.
What is something people don’t typically know about your job? I get the summer off, but I still use it to plan and get ready for the next year.
Where did you go to school? Taylor University College and The King’s University College, both in Edmonton.
Favourite subject to teach? I like teaching all the subjects, but art is probably my favourite.
Describe yourself in 3 words: Nerdy, funny, creative.
How do you take your coffee? Double, double.
Favourite book? Pride and Prejudice. The book and the movie with Colin Firth. It is my favourite because I love Jane Austen.
Favourite thing about Drumheller? Being able to act in the Canadian Badlands Passion Play every year. This will be my sixth year taking part.
If you were dropped somewhere in the woods would you survive? Maybe… but probably not.
Where do you want to travel most? I want to travel to England and Ireland to see the place the Titanic was built (in Ireland) and the three places it sailed from.
Favourite TV show? Doctor Who.
If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who’d it be? David Tennant because he is my favourite Doctor on Doctor Who.
What’s your words to live by? Treat others the way you want to be treated.