News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2925
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

Passion Play looking for 200 to join this year’s production

The Canadian Badlands Passion Play has put out the call to professional actors and casual thespians both to join the epic production this summer.
    There are a variety of roles waiting to be filled, from high profile roles to non-speaking and other small roles. The latter do not even require an audition.
    This year will mark 19 years of production. During that time, the play has grown to be one of Canada’s largest annual outdoor theatrical events.
    The Passion Play depicts the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. To tell that story the production needs roughly 200 professional and volunteer actors/actresses.
    Each year, actors, singers, musicians, and even entire families join the play.
    The Passion Play will run from July 13 to 22, with both evening and afternoon performances.
    There will be a few changes this year, including changes to the script.
    All skill levels are welcome to apply to become involved. For more information visit or call 1-403-823-2001. To book an audition, email Ailsa Birnie at
    Auditions in Drumheller will take place on Sunday, February 26, at the Passion Play site, 605 17th St. SW.

RCMP frosty on not clearing windshields

    The RCMP are frosty to the idea of drivers not making sure they’ve cleared their windows before heading out onto Drumheller streets.
    Staff Sergeant Art Hopkins wants to spread the message that not clearing your windows at best could lead to a fine, at the worst, it could pose a hazard that could lead to an accident.
    Hopkins tells inSide Drumheller the recent chilly mornings have led to heavy frost on cars, and in his short commute to work, he has noticed many drivers who do not take the time to simply scrape their windshields.
    “People got lazy because we had the warm weather, but now we have the frost; people simply have to scrape their windows,” said Hopkins. “With this weather, we have some icy patches on the road, and with this frost, the roads are a little slippery.”
    Drivers could be ticketed for driving with obscured vision. The ticket carries a penalty of  $57.
    “There is no reason for it. It takes just a few seconds. I could understand if it was a matter of life and death and you cleared off what had to see to go to some place; then we may have to make exceptions to it, but I haven’t heard anything of life and death situations. I was amazed this morning - I saw a guy with half to two-thirds of his window scraped, and the passenger side wasn’t. He was able to look out at what was in front of him, but other than that, the rest wasn’t scraped.”
    Hopkins said the RCMP will be on the lookout for drivers whose vision is obscured.

Grave mystery continues

    The mystery of the misplaced gravemarker has yet to be solved, as Gleichen RCMP are still looking for the final resting place of Father Frank Crummy.
    The Drumheller Mail reported in its January 11 edition that Gleichen RCMP were requesting the public’s assistance in locating information on a grave marker found at a rural residence in Wheatland County. After about a month, they have still not located where the stone originated.
    “We haven’t made any progress because the grave stone is still here, and we still haven’t found the right location of it,” said Constable Adam Dell of the Gleichen RCMP.
The story garnered much interest and the detachment has received a number of tips on its origin, but none have provided any answers.
    inSide Drumheller made enquiries with the church community on the hunch that the title “Father” on the marker may have indicated a man of the cloth. However, the paper learned there were no priests in the Catholic or Anglican churches in Alberta that went by this name.
    Constable Dell said they had a lead that pointed to Grande Prairie, from a relative of a Frank Crummy, with the same name and dates, however the tombstone in Grande Prairie is intact.
    If anyone has more information on the gravemarker, or where the gravestone belongs, contact the Gleichen RCMP at 403-734-3056.


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