News | DrumhellerMail - Page #2893
Last updateThu, 16 Jan 2025 3pm

2012 Enerflex MS Walk seeks more participants

The 2012 Enerflex MS Walk registration is getting off to a slow start this year. The MS Walk board is looking for new and younger residents to join the worthy cause.
    The walk is scheduled for Sunday, May 6, 2012 at Drumheller Arena. Check-in is 9:30 a.m. and the walk commences at 10:00 a.m.
    “Registration numbers are increasing, but slowly,” said Dianne Snyder, MS Walk coordinator. “I’m hoping once we get closer to the day, there will be more.”
    Snyder went on to say that many other walks in the province are experiencing the same problems.
    The first is that many long time walkers, some who have participated for more than a decade, wish to get involved in the volunteering side of the walk.
    Another issue, more specific to Drumheller, is that residents in outlying communities don’t wish to participate for a Drumheller event.
     “The outlying areas don’t realize that they are in the Drumheller MS Walk region,” said Snyder. Snyder went on to explain that residents may be interested, but don’t want to participate in Drumheller and wait for their own community.
    The nearest walks are in Brooks, Calgary, and Stettler.
    A suggestion that has been brought forward has been running the walk every two years.
    “It might be something that could help, but things are in the hands of Edmonton,” said Snyder.
    The walk is also looking for younger residents to get involved, either by walking or organizing.
    “Everyone has a different idea. If we could get more, we can really get this thing going. If anyone has ideas we’d love to hear from them,” said Snyder.
    The purpose of the MS Walk is to raise funds for research and support for those with MS.
    Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a neurological disease that causes the sheaths that surround nerves to degenerate leaving scarring. The disease can lead to virtually any neurological symptom, such as physical or cognitive disability. There is no known cure.
    For more information or to get involved, call Snyder at 403-821-3193.

RCMP teach dangers of careless internet use

The internet is arguably one of the biggest technological advancements in the past two decades. It has revolutionized virtually every aspect  of modern civilization, including crime.
    The Drumheller RCMP detachment is continuing their efforts to educate students on the dangers careless internet usage. On Tuesday, March 20, the RCMP spoke to students of the Drumheller Valley Secondary School (DVSS) and told them what’s out there for the unwary.
    Constables Tom Dobrich and Rachel Pergunas, and Corporal Mike Black spoke to a packed Kaleidoscope Theatre.
    One of the biggest issues is privacy and disclosing personal information.
    Dobrich talked about how what ever is sent on the internet is no longer private and is out of students control. That information can have huge implications. Schools and employers use social media and the internet to research potential students or employees.
    “When I was trying to join the RCMP, they asked me ‘if I search your name, what will I find?'" said Dobrich.
    Constable Pergunas then discussed the recent St. Patricks Day riots in London, Ontario, Vancouver riots, and how social media was instrumental in laying charges. Through people submitted photos and videos or even the rioters themselves posting their own foolishness on YouTube, the internet and social media are bringing people to justice.
    Pergunas’s test is asking whether she would want her mom to see what she is about to post.
    Statistics show that 71 per cent of teens have received messages from someone they don’t know. 45 per cent say the stranger asked for personal information. 30 per cent of teens considered meeting someone they met online. 14 per cent have met people they befriended online in person. Dobrich warned of the dangers of meeting people you only know online.
    Dobrich then showed how easy it is to get personal information about someone online, simply by using search engines and someone’s user name. Even comments made online in a chat room, on Twitter, or elsewhere can be used to piece together an accurate picture of who someone is.
    A personal anecdote of mine comes from the days when I used to play online games with my brother. We played with a regular group of players we didn’t know face to face. Over the span of a year, we unintentionally let slip personal details, such as first names and occupations.
    A shock came when one of the players we grouped with on a regular basis (that I did not know personally) remembered those details and tracked down what city I lived in, the university I went to, what I studied, and who I was.
    Nothing happened, but others have not been so fortunate. There are those who can and will use the internet for far more sinister purposes, such as identity theft or worse.
    With social media, those details are even easier to come by.
    “We’ve had some huge problems with Facebook and they don’t seem to be going away,” said Dobrich.
    For example, Facebook will occasionally change users privacy settings when it undergoes a massive update. The privacy change could allow people you don’t know to find out personal details.
    Another problem Dobrich highlighted was competing for the most “friends” on Facebook. Dobrich warned students to be careful and the best policy is to only friend people you know personally.
    Dobrich then discussed the legal consequences of making inappropriate comments online. In the eyes of the law, saying something on the internet is exactly the same as saying it in person.
    “Sexting”, sending racy photos through the internet, is another huge issue. It is possible child pornography charges could result from “sexting”.
    Dating abuse is growing in prominence as well. Dating abuse is when one person in the relationship uses the internet, texting, or phone calls to harass their partner. One of three teens have reported receiving in excess of 30 texts an hour and 17 per cent said they were afraid of their partner’s reaction if they did not respond.
    This is the second year Dobrich has done this presentation. The original “Think Before You Send” presentation was developed by an attorney general in Massachusetts. Dobrich modified it for a Canadian audience.
    For more information regarding the presentation, contact Constable Dobrich at 403-823-7590.

Town offers graduation present to area students

    The Town of Drumheller has a generous graduation gift for local students this year as they prepare to enter the next stage of their life.
    With the gift they hope it is a way to send grads out into the world on healthy footing.
    Mayor Terry Yemen told inSide Drumheller the Town is going to give a one-month membership for the Badlands Community Facility to each of the graduating Grade 12 students this year.
    “This will give the students an opportunity to work out and look their best for their grad,” said Mayor Yemen.  “It will also give them an opportunity to have a healthy stress release through the trying weeks of final exams and graduation.  Thirdly, it may hopefully promote a healthy lifestyle and encourage use of the facility.”
    He said administration has just gotten behind the idea and they will be contacting area principals to provide a list of graduates and the dates of their graduation. The passes will be distributed a month before graduation.
    For more information on the offer, contact the Badlands community facility at 403-823-1370. or 403-823-1338.


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