Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #3
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, May 6, 2024


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, May 6, 2024

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting and announced a Special Meeting will be held on Monday, May 13, at 4:30 PM for reading of the 2024 Property Tax Bylaw 14.24.
Council moved to approve two Certificates of Approval and Resolution for Expropriation pertaining to two parcels of land for berm construction at 724 Hunter Drive, Nacmine, and 215 8 Street, Nacmine.
Council gave first and second reading to Property Tax Bylaw 14.24. The Bylaw will levy approximately $14 million to meet revenue requirements, including $3.48 million in provincial requisitions. The bylaw calls for a four per cent tax increase.
Council moved to establish a Task Force to form a Sports Council. The Town of Drumheller is looking for sports partners to participate in the Task Force to provide advice, recommendations and feedback on the formation of the new Sports Council.
Council moved to approve the additional expense of $636,000 for a pump upgrade at the North Drumheller Lift Station. To raise the funds council moved to transfer $300,000 from the water reserves; $200,000 from the sanitary reserves and $200,000 from the Michichi Creek Sanitary crossing project, to complete the project.
Council moved into a closed session before adjourning the meeting.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, April 22, 2024


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, April 22, 2024

Drumheller Mayor Heather Colberg opened the meeting.
Council moved to give first reading to Land Use Amending Bylaw 12.24 and set a Public Hearing date for Tuesday, May 21, 2024, and council moved to approve Policy DP-C-01 - Compliance Certificates as presented.
Council moved to direct Administration to abandon the Notice of Intention to Expropriate a portion of the parcel of land shown on Plan Nacmine 712DD, Title Number 191 049 429, and take necessary steps and execute all necessary documents required by the Expropriation Act RSA 2000, Chapter E-13 as amended in furtherance of the abandonment.
Council moved to approve the Certificate of Approval and Resolution for Expropriation pertaining to a parcel of land described as Lot 5, Block 1, Title Number 151 140 939.
Council moved to approve amendments to the 2024 Capital and Operating Budgets as presented.
Council moved to approve the award for tender to Brooks Asphalt & Aggregate Ltd in the amount of $383,055, excluding GST, for remediation of the old Public Works site and the old Hospital.
Council moved to approve the award for tender to Roadbridge Services in the amount of $265,853.95, excluding GST, for demolition of the Curling Rink.
Council moved into closed session before adjourning the meeting.

Council Notes from Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday, April 15, 2024


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Committee of the Whole Meeting
Monday, April 15, 2024

Drumheller Town Council opened the Committee of the Whole Meeting by expressing their thanks to volunteers in the community, marking Volunteer Appreciation Week.
Development Officer in Training Colt Maddock and Senior Administrator Mitchell Visser presented a Request for Direction for Land Use Amending Bylaw 12.24.
This bylaw is to make amendments to the Land Use Bylaw.
Many of the changes are clerical and to the wording to improve comprehension and consistency. Council is to provide feedback on the recommended changes, prior to first reading at a future council meeting. Following first reading, Council will hold a Public Hearing and Public Engagement sessions.
Development Officer in Training Colt Maddock presented a Request for Direction for the council Compliance Certificates Policy.
This provides an outline of procedures to be followed by administration when approving Compliance Certificates. The previous policy was approved in 2003 and is outdated.
Manager of Recreation, Arts and Culture Rick Ladouceur presented a Request for Direction regarding the Terms of Reference for a Drumheller Sports Council.
Creating a Sports Council comes out of the recommendations of the 2023 Parks and Recreation Master Plan, to advise town council on matters pertaining to sports development, and would be established by a bylaw. Council provided direction to proceed with developing a task force made of community members to help create the Sports Council and develop its terms of reference prior to formation.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on
www.drumheller.ca once they have been adopted.

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