Drumheller Town Council Meetings | DrumhellerMail - Page #85
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Council Notes From the regular meeting of Monday, October 17, 2016

Town of Drumheller Crest

Council Notes

From the regular meeting of Town Council

Monday, October 17, 2016

At the start of the October 17 Council Meeting, the town held a public hearing in regards to the amendment for the land use bylaw. Bob and Nora Hamilton proposed to have land they own in Rosedale rezoned to better incorporate plans of developing 87 campsites, a convenience store, administration facilities, mini golf, water park, and two large commercial tents for activities. Over 50 residents of Rosedale were present to oppose the proposal. Town council later made a motion to dismiss the proposal after reviewing both resident’s concerns and recommendations made by Palliser Municipal Services.
A request for decision was proposed by Director of Infrastructure Services Darryl Drohomerski on the Aquaplex Modernization. Due to the delay for renovations to Spring 2017, costs have jumped by $85,530. Additional costs were explained by Shunda Construction Management to be a result of additional accommodation fees due to time of year workers would need accommodation as well as some overlooked upgrades that would be needed to properly be able to use the Mertha Pool Liner system already purchased and in route to Drumheller.
Councillor Jay Garbutt said, “This is the most grossly over budget project in my two years in council. I will not be providing my approval on this project.”
Councillor Zariski also weighed in, “I am very disappointed in being over budget. However, most construction projects come in over budget. This was a high priority to get this project done. It’s very disappointing.”
Mayor Yemen explained that approval of this contract would require a total of $599,815 be transferred from reserves or from the 2017 budget. This would greatly affect any future projects planned for 2017.
After reviewing the changes in proposed costs four council members opposed the motion and it was defeated.
There are plans to retender the project in the future in hopes of realizing savings.
Director of Infrastructure Services Darryl Drohomerski updated council on the Aquaplex modernization project. Drohomerski said that he would have a report of costs and a timeline to present at the next Town Council meeting.
Council moved over to in-camera matters.

Council Notes From the regular meeting of Monday, Sept. 19, 2016

Town of Drumheller Crest

Council Notes From the regular meeting of  Monday, Sept. 19, 2016

Infrastructure director Daryl Drohomerski updated Council on the Aquaplex modernization. He proposed that since the change to the timeline of the pool modernization has now affected the cost, administration proposes to revisit the bid with the contractor to understand why it is substantially higher than initially projected. Another alternative council agreed upon was to reject all proposals and to retender the project in hopes of getting a more competing bidding process.
The Council passed a motion to keep Superior Safety Codes Inc. as the Town of Drumheller and Palliser Municipal Services Safety Code Services Provider. Ray Romanetz explained that Superior Safety has provided this service for the last 8 years. Superior Safety Codes Inc. will continue to provide safety codes services such as building, gas, electrical, plumbing, fire and private sewer system inspections and permit reviews.
Council received an update from the Director of Community Services Paul Salvatore regarding the Wayfinding Signage. The Wayfinding Signage Committee came up with a concept for a sign that better matched the budget. The hopes for this signage is to get people moving around Drumheller and bring them to key points in the community. One main point being the different dinosaurs around town. The Committee has approached and was well received by the Chamber of Commerce's Dino Arts committee to potentially include their "Dino Walk of Fame" on each of the signs. Part of discussion with the designer was to include possible scientific representation of good examples of dinosaurs that are significant to Drumheller's palaeontological past. The Royal Tyrrell Museum has offered to consult on the descriptions of these dinosaurs.
Councillor Jay Garbutt said that this is very different than the original plan for the "Dino Walk of Fame" which originally was to draw more people to the downtown core. The Wayfinding Committee has moved away from the purpose of providing safety with these signs towards more for entertainment.
Salvatore provided the Council with an example of the proposed sign. He said that the committee and the designer took into consideration the possibility of the signs getting damaged and the cost of replacement. They have also taken into consideration the cosmetic aspect of the signs and hope to find a design that is attractive and unique to match our desert like climate.
Romanetz assured Salvatore that the Council has worked on projects with the Dino Arts committee before and looks forward to doing so again.
Salvatore said that pending any weather or other unforeseen circumstances the project is expected to commence in the next 4-6 weeks.
A request for decision on a Regional Emergency Services consultant being made by Greg Peters, Director of Protective Services. Peters states that Starland, Kneehill and Wheatland counties and Special Areas #2 have been approved for funding to complete a regional emergency services master plan. After reviewing 11 firms and their quotes the committee, which consists of Greg Peters, the Fire Chief and Wheatland County's Disaster Services Coordinator, recommended awarding the contract to Behr Energy Services Ltd. Council agreed to award the development of a regional emergency services master plan to Behr Energy Services.
Councillor Sharel Shoff provided an update on Community Futures. According to Shoff the Young Entrepreneurs camp was a success and they are looking to do this again next year. The group running this program is hoping to expand and be able to use the area around the suspension bridge for the young entrepreneur camps. She also did a brief report on Palliser Municipal Services.
Council went in-camera to discuss land matters and a personnel matter. When they returned to the meeting, council approved an Employment Agreement Fixed Term between the Town of Drumheller and CAO Ray Romanetz. Council unanimously thanked him for his years of service.


Council Notes From the regular meeting of Council of the Whole Monday, Sept. 12, 2016


Town of Drumheller Crest

Council Notes

From the regular meeting of Council of the Whole Monday, Sept. 12, 2016

Mayor Yemen received a letter from the Honourable Ralph Goodale, federal Minister of Public Safety, in response to an earlier request from the Mayor's office, asking for added compensation to the town for providing assistance to the Federal Penitentiary by the local RCMP detachment. Mr Goodale assured the mayor that he takes the protection and security of Canadians "very seriously", and, has asked the warden of the penitentiary and the Commanding Officer of RCMP's K Division, to meet with him to find a solution to the issue.
Council also received a letter from Lacy Williamson of the Badlands Hellraisers derby group, asking for permission to utilize the former tennis courts area to build a new roller derby track, and pay for it by fundraising efforts by the group.
Council has previously promised the land to the curling rink group for the eventual construction of a new curling rink building.
A letter has been received by Council from the owner of Drumheller Chrysler, in the hopes of building a new access to their location on Highway 9 South by allowing traffic through what is now the centre median, as presently, southbound traffic must turn right on Highway 9, then make a u-turn at the end of the block.
In 2004 Council asked for an opinion and clarification on the matter from Hanna's Tony Chelick, operations manager for the central district of Alberta Transportation. Mr. Chelick replied in a letter to the town, that a recent traffic study done on town roads, concluded that no changes to the present scenario be implemented. There is also provision for a service road to be constructed in front of businesses along Highway 9 where none presently exists, with access to the service road provided at existing intersections. Council wishes to reopen discussions to explore options.
Drumheller-Stettler MLA Rick Strankman attended council to inform them of his efforts and the government's policy on the proposed Flood Mitigation lobbying currently underway. Councils position is that the province is responsible for 100 percent funding for flood mitigation as per previous agreements.
Council is also looking for updated flood mapping from the province that will allow the Town to proceed with remedial efforts under the new guidelines. Strankman echoed the Mayor's frustration in the delay that has come about subsequent to a previous meeting with Minister Brian Mason earlier this spring. He is fearful that, despite the funding approval for remediation, being done, that the Province has not given any timelines to either he, or the Town.
The Mayor chastised Mr. Strankman in that he is the voice from this area in the legislature and that Strankman has been unable to provide any answers to the Town.
Councillor Garbutt asked the MLA not to wait any longer for remediation to the Ft. McMurray, before holding the Province to task. He reiterated to Strankman that the Province continues to put off this local situation, despite an earlier urgency that was prior to the June fires in Ft. Mc Murray.
Mr. Strankman told Council he probably would not be able to ask questions in the Legislature until sitting resumes, presumably at the end of October.
Mr. Strankman did ask Council for better communication on when they speak to the provincial departments, that he be informed.
Council has received a letter from Craig Stewart, Operations Manager for the Central Region, Alberta Transportation, saying they would not allow a proposed road closure of airspace on First Avenue in East Coulee to proceed.
An expression of concern has also been sent to Alberta Transportation from East Coulee resident Don Gerlinger.



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