Classifieds | DrumhellerMail - Results from #731
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

June 17 - June 23, 2009 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad



Wold's Finest Cutlery - CUTCO KNIVES - Forever Guaranteed!  (403) 823-4914 1p25

FOR SALE... Surround sound system $1700, was $3,882. Movie Projector $25 dual eight / editor for viewing and editing home movies $15. Sony video camera $100. Call 403-823-4897.    22p24

FOR SALE... Murray Select (Home Depot) wide body  16.5 HP 42 inch cut 6-speed ride on lawn mower, trailer and fertilizer spreader. Very good condition. $1200 obo. 403-823-5248.    23c25

FOR SALE... Steel Buildings. Recession Disc. 18’ x 21’ Reg $6,279, Now $4,186. 36’ x 51’ Reg. $15,047, Now $10,031. 105’ x 105’ Reg. $87,362, Now $58,241. +Code Adj., Erection Avail. Source#11I Phone : 800-964-8335    23p24

FOR SALE... Solid birch bedroom suite, tongue and groove construction, with brass bed, asking $375. Two smaller TVs, suitable for RV or bedroom, one with built in VCR. RCA $50, Panasonic $150. Programmable recumbent exercise bike with heart monitor, very quiet, multiple programs. Paid $1800, asking $650. Open to offers. Phone 403-823-4893.        23p24




DEKEYSER AUCTION... Phone/Fax 403-823-9871.  4tc 




Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, Continuing Care Companion, Caregiver respite. Bondable caregivers. Possible subsidy for stroke survivors and veteran. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476. 2tfc




FIREWOOD FOR SALE... Dry split, Pine or Spruce. 1/2 cord or full cord. Delivery available. Phone 403-823-7948 or 403-823-1961    19c42




FOR SALE... 1993 Ford Taurus $500 obo. 403-820-1241    23c26

FOR SALE... 2004 Dodge SX2.0, std, 84,000 all highway kms, 40 mpg, cruise, air, tilt. Excellent condition, well maintained, new winter tires, $7200; Phone 403-823-2353 evenings.    23p25

FOR SALE - No GST! 2002 Honda Accord 4 dr EX V6, loaded, moon roof, 1 owner. Nice car. Glen Hansen 403-823-2932 or cell: 403-820-0315.    24p


 TRUCKS, VANS, 4x4's


 FOR SALE... 2006 Dodge 3500 1 ton truck. Low mileage, quad cab, long box, 4x4 loaded. $29,000 obo. 403-823-6495 8tfc 

FOR SALE... 2000 Dodge Caravan. Low kms. New tires. Seats 6. $2500 Phone 403-823-3059.            22p24

FOR SALE... 1998 Grand Dodge Caravan Sport Model. Asking $2500. Call 403-364-0004.    24c25




FOR SALE... Yamaha TTR 125L dirt bike; <50 hours; $2500 obo. 6’ hard pick-up truck box cover; $750. Ph: 403-823-4169, after 5 p.m.     24p25

FOR SALE... 1982 Honda CB 950, 4 cylinder, shaft drive, faring, windshield, hard saddle bags, maroon and gold colour, front forks shocks rebuilt, comutator rebuilt, new battery, new rear brake pads. Asking $2850 Phone 403-823-3947 leave message.    24c





2005 29’ Jay Flight with Jack and Jill bunks - great for family; air conditioning, microwave oven with carousal, two 30 lbs propane tanks, sofa slide (sofa can convert to bed), tv, cd/dvd receiver with 5.1 surround sound full tub and shower with     skylight, 20-foot awning, large storage under bunks, pass through storage at front, storage under queen bed, total length including hitch 30’ 6”, unloaded weight - 5600 lbs (half-ton towable), tinted windows, undercoating, non-smokers, very clean, like new. $19,250 Call 403-823-6063. 22c24

FOR SALE... 29’ Travelaire trailer sleeps 6, winterized, excellent condition $10,000. 403-823-8012.    21p23 

FOR SALE... 1996 - 33’ Class A motorhome with 1999 Sunfire 4 door to tow. To inspect phone 403-823-5577.    22p24

FOR SALE...  1993 Terry Resort 25.5 Fifth Wheel. Excellent condition, new awning and tires, rear hitch, A/C, microwave, oven, stabilizer jacks, TV antenna, stereo. Call 403-823-7323.    23p25

FOR SALE... 1980 - 19 ft. tandem axle Holidaire trailer. Sleeps 6, F & S (oven), awning, hot water tank, bathroom. Asking $3500. 403-823-8812.    24p26




MID-CITY Property Management. Check out our website, or email: Call us at 403-823-7877 and we will set a program to meet your management needs. 7tfc

FOR RENT... Smaller 3 bedroom house, fridge, stove, washer. No pets. 1 year lease. $825. Available immediately. Kent at 403-820-3146.    22c24

FOR RENT... 3 bedroom in Nacmine. Double garage, single garage, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer, dryer. Large fenced yard. No pets. $1050 plus utilities. Available July 1. Phone 403-820-3146, Kent.    24c26

FOR RENT.... Clean 2 bedroom 4-plex for rent. No pets. $700 plus utilities plus DD. Available immediately. Phone 403-252-8385.            23p25

FOR RENT.... 5 bedroom house. F/S, W/D, DW included. Available now. Call for more info. 403-823-0003.    24p26

FOR RENT... Decent, small three bedroom house for rent. Close to downtown. $800/mo, $800 DD. Comes with fridge, stove, washer, dryer and a/c. Available July 1. Call 403-823-6343.    24p25

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house, excllent location, workshop, garage, washer, dryer, dishwasher. No pets, no smoking, references a must. Available now. $900 plus util. 403-823-3925    24tfc




Hunts Place Apartments (Corner of Hunts Dr.  & 2nd St. East) Quiet,adult oriented. Garden patios  or large balconies Fridge, stove, drapesLaundry facilities Security door & intercom  No pets No smoking Phone (403) 823-2823 

FOR RENT... 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Quiet, mature adults, no pets. Contact 403-823-2823 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.    22p24

FOR RENT... 1 bedroom apartment for July 1. Adult apartment only. 403-823-6122.    24p

FOR RENT... 1 bedroom bsmt suite fully furnished. Available ASAP $600. Leave a message. Non-smoking. Phone: 403-823-6729.    22p24 

FOR RENT... One bedroom apartment available, $700 DD, $700 rent. Water and heat included. Phone 403-823-3191 before 7 p.m.    23p25

FOR RENT... 2 & 1 bedroom apartment,  c/w stove, fridge, A/C, free laundry, mature adult building. 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405.    23p25




ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844.    20c22

FOR RENT... Two rooms in basement includes TV room and bathroom. $400 includes utilities. Phone 403-823-0872 or 403-364-2182    22p24

ROOMMATE WANTED... furnished room, all utilities included. $450 per month. Call 403-823-9897 or leave a message.     23p24

FOR RENT... Furnished room, sitting room, Own full bathroom, private driveway/entrance, includes utilities, cable, internet. Shared laundry and kitchen. $550 monthly, Available June 1. 403-823-8939 leave message.        22p24

FOR RENT... Completely furnished room, fridge in room, immediate occupancy, cooking facilities, TV room and gym area, sundeck. Phone 403-820-5733.        23p25

Heartwood Inn Drumheller Luxury daily rental apartments. Fr. $50 per day + taxes. Sleeps 4, Satellite TV, A/C, Full kitchen, housekeeping/laundry avail. Call 403-823-6495.    12tfc




Small house to rent or buy in Drumheller. Prefer 2 or more bedrooms. Please call 403-952-6058 to leave message.         23p25




FOR RENT... 640 acres of farm for rent. 16 km NE of Hanna on Range Rd 330 off Highway 36. Includes newer 5200 sq. ft. building with underfloor hot water heating, electric overhead door plus 30’ x 130’ animal shelter. house has been rented. Half in grain, half in pasture. Will rent separately. Phone 780-482-4735.    23p25




 INDIVIDUAL OFFICES... Individual offices for rent, $450 per month, includes light secretarial duties, high speed internet, furniture, etc. Call Bob or Gary at Century 21 for more details. 403-823-2121.    29nctfc

STORAGE LOT FOR RENT...  252’ x 240’ 60,480 sq. ft. fenced. Complete with two gates. Available end of November. Call Rio 403-823-2981.    43tfc






HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out     5tfc

SIX PROPERTIES FOR SALE... 2 Riverfront properties, cottage style house & garage, 0.3 ACRES EACH, $389 K EACH. 1 double lot, approx. 1900 square ft. home, excellent location $269 K. 1 bedroom home & garage, $109 K. 2 bedroom home, $109 K. Rockyford Lock-up Stagehouse, $110 k, 1750 sq. ft. 403-823-3925    24tfc

FOR SALE... Two bedroom house situated on four lots in East Coulee, very clean and well maintained. Also comes with an additional small house on same property that could be used for storage but is very well maintained and could be used for extra bedrooms. For more information or to view, please call Olga at 403-823-2363 or Rhonda at 403-206-0430 at home or her cellnumber 403-968-5800.    24p25




Mobile Home lots available located in trailer park. Lot rent $400/mo. Conditions apply. Also selling new mobile homes starting at $99000. 403-823-4499.12tfc




FOR SALE... Wilderness Lodge - Spectacular View. 1.5 hours frm Calgary, 160 acres deeded. 640 acres grazing lease, two creeks. Presently farmland, cattle pasture and established guest lodge. $1,250,000. Greg Cripps - Remax Red Deer, 403-343-3020.            24p29




WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214. 49tfc




Experienced servers/dishwasher wanted, FT/PT. Please phone 780-913-1298 or 403-823-6511, ask for Ada or apply in person to Dino’s Restaurant and Pub, 103 Grove Place, Drumheller.    23c26

The Drumheller Mail and inSide Drumheller are looking for a couple of Columnists/Writers who are interested in writing a weekly column. The Drumheller Mail has been publishing for over 99 years, and is the newspaper of record for the Drumheller area. If you have a special interest in any of the following, please send an email for more information; Dragons Hockey, Minor Hockey, SchoolEvents, Local Business, Local Sports Teams, Mom’s group, or Playschool group, Movie Reviews, etc. Email Bob at    23nc24

Morrin Skating Club is seeking a skating coach. NCCP Level 1 or willing to accept someone needing mentoring hours. Send resumes to MFSC, Box 163, Morrin, AB, T0J 2B0    23c25

FARM EMPLOYEES NEEDED... Large ag operation near Acme, Alberta looking for large-scale equipment and machinery operators for seasonal or permanent full-time positions. Class 1 Drivers License and/or Pesticide applicators License would be a great asset. Excellent wages, medical, dental, vision, and paid holiday. Please call Daryl at 403-333-3153 or fax resume and references to 403-546-3709.    24p27

Fossil World Discovery Centre is looking for cleaning staff. Drop off resume at Fossil World Discovery Centre, 1381 N. Dinosaur Trail.            24c25

Want to earn extra money? Paper boy gone on holidays and needs summer help delivering the Drumheller Mail in Midland. Contact Michael Lowey at 823-6649 or 823-2580, days.    24nc26

Movers needed, $20 per hour plus tip. If you are able to help our Century 21 clients move over the next 12 months, please email or call 403-823-2222 to leave your name and phone number. We will pass on your information to our clients.    24nc29




Babysitter wanted for summer. 2 children, ages 8 & 11. Drivers License preferred. If interested, please phone 403-823-8777.    23c

Child care needed for two boys for the months of July & August. Mon - Fri; 8:30 - 5:30 p.m. Call 403-823-5746 for more details.            23c25




Experienced farm labourer seeks employment. Can operate air seeder, harrow sprayer, Very mechanical. Call Dan 403-823-6818.    21p22 




Twenty gallon crock, suitable for making pickles or sauerkraut. Phone 403-823-4893.    23p24




Don’t Let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820- 3146. 4tfc 






FOR SALE... John Deere 4840 Tractor, 180 HP, 2 WD, duals, powershift, 3 hyds, shedded, good condition, no longer farming. $21,000 OBO. Call 403-772-2153 (Morrin).    24p26




BUYING BARLEY, CANOLA AND WHEAT... Hwy 21 Feeders of Acme is buying Canola, Wheat and Barley for immediate or deferred delivery. Flat Prices or Basis Contracts Available. Contact Ed at 403-546-2278, ext. 3.    24p31




AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.    26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “OpenMeeting”.        8nctfc

Saturday Morning Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous, Salvation ArmyChurch 241 1st St. West. Contact 403-334-0246, Chris W.     37nctfc




Gentleman, 70, single, N/S, N/D, wishes to hear from senior lady. Photo exhcanged. PO Box 141, Medicine Hat, T1A 7E8.    24p




also known as ANNIE KELM, who died on April 16, 2009.
If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by July 27, 2009 and provide details of your claim With:        ROSS TODD & COMPANY At:     PO Box 970, Drumheller, Alberta  T0J 0Y0 If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS In the Estate of ISOBELL SINCLAIR, who died on March 26, 2009. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim by July 6, 2009 and provide details of your claim With:        ROSS TODD & COMPANY At:     PO Box 970, Drumheller, Alberta  T0J 0Y0 If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can lawfully be distributed without regard to any claim you may have.




 Howard and Joy McKee invite family and friends to join them for an open house to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, June 27, 2009, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Drumheller Stampede Grounds, Dinosaur Downs. Casual dress, please, no gifts. Everyone welcome.    23p25

All past & present clients, staff and families are invited to a come & go celebration of PADNOMA SUPPORT SERVICES 20th Anniversary. To be held at the Padnoma office, (5102 - 51st. Street, Olds), from 1 - 6 p.m. on June 26, 2009.    23p24

Badlands Community Garden fundraiser. Saturday, June 20, Canadian Tire parking lot. Hot dog sale, 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Plant exchange 1 p.m. - 2 p.m.    24c

Art Exhibition and Sale “Closer”. An inner space exploration... A series of work by artist Marcel Deschenes at The Heartwood Inn. Friday, June 19, 5 - 8:30 p.m. 320 N. Railway / info 403-823-6495. Refreshments. Marcel will enjoy sharing his collection of shimmering, glinting abstracts.    24c

Birthday celebration for Ron Bertsch at the Drumheller Alliance Church, June 28 from 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Program at 3:30 p.m. No gifts please, friends and family are invited.    24p25




In May of 2009, Ashley Hemming, eldest daughter of Lynn and Clint Hemming of Drumheller, graduated from Concordia University College in Edmonton with a Bachelor of Arts, with a major in English and minor in history. She especially enjoyed the three years she spent singing in the Concordia Concert Choir. Ashley wishes to thank her teachers from Central, Greentree and DCHS who provided her with an excellent educational background. She would also like to acknowledge the service groups and families who provided scholarships which enabled her to fulfill her dreams of post-secondary education.

 “Thanks” seems so inadequate for the awesome care the Nursing Staff in The Drum. Hospital - All the Doctors, but especially Dr. Khoza and even the Housekeepers for their many acts of kindness given to Leonard. a heartfelt thanks to all our dear children and their families for their prayers and thoughtfulness and our friends. “God bless you all”,
Leonard and Helen Steen.    24p

Thanks to all who came with Best Wishes, Cards or Gifts to help celebrate my 80th birthday. It was a great day!
Benth Poulsen.    24p

Thank you for the cards of good wishes, even gifts, and the great company that made my 80th birthday memorable. I am so sorry to have forgotten to phone some fine friends. I was only 79 then. There is no excuse.
Pat Rasmussen.    24p

The Happy Campers Relay for Life team would like to thank Dale and Janice from the Cat’s Meow, Co-op, Len Kirkpatrick, Judy Campbell, Sean Gallagher & Tom Cardamone for their generous donations. We would also like to thank everyone who supported our team throughtout our fundraising endeavours.
The Happy Campers.    24p


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