Classifieds | DrumhellerMail - Results from #669
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

September 15 - September 21, 2010 > Call 403-823-2580 to place an ad


FOR SALE  ... Oval Dining Table with 2 leaves, 4 chairs - needs refinishing $50, Small Dresser with Mirror $10, 45” Cot Mattress $10. Pressure Washer $20, 6’ Aluminum Stepladder $10. Dell Monitor Free. 403-823-6423 or 403-612-5997.    37p

FOR SALE... Ceramic Christmas Village houses, trains, mountains, accessories. Was set up at Greentree Mall last Christmas. Also was in the paper. $600.00 O.B.O. 403-823-8523.    37p38

FOR SALE... Dixon Dynamic microphone 3 years old. Hardly used. $75.00 O.B.O. Call 403-823-8371.


FOR SALE... Firewood, pine and spruce. Call 403-823-7948 or 403-823-1961.    33c47




The Broad Squad.  The cleaning team with a broad array of services to meet all your needs! Now accepting new customers. Commercial. Residential. Auto. 403-823-8510.        37p

Help for seniors… Light housekeeping, meal preparation, respite help for caregivers and personal companions for Continuing Care residents - all available. Reasonable hourly rates with bondable insured staff. Call HELPING HANDS 403-364-2476.    2tfc

Need $$$? Looking for a car loan, second mortgage or consolidation? Bank say no? Then call us! Call 403-334-5555 or visit    4p3



FOR SALE... Rottweiller Cross puppies, only 2 left. Born 12 June, first shots completed. $120. 403-823-6818 or 403-334-0095.    37p38

FOR SALE... Chihuahua puppies. 1 male, 3 female. 1st shots included. $500 each. 403-823-8120.    37p

FREE KITTENS... Adorable kittens to give away. Call Shelly (403) 368-3735.    36c38

FOR SALE... 1990 24 passenger diesel school bus, runs great, good condition, $2500. 3 - 1950s pick-up trucks, $850 and up. 2002 metallic blue 2-dr Honda car, automatic, certified, and seller is the original owner, 139,000 kms, $7950. 2002 TJ Jeep, automatic, 6-cyl, a/c, has 147,000 kms, $6950. Please call 403-820-5622.    37p


2004 Chevrolet Montana Van with wheelchair ramp; 217,000 kms on the speedometer. Used only by Valley Bus to transport seniors and handicapped persons in Drumheller; last safety inspection was completed in February 2010 and vehicle is in relatively good condition. Asking $6500 or best offer. Please call 403-823-9825 or 403-823-5052 for further information.

FOR SALE... 1998 Dodge Grand Caravan. 7 passenger, fully Loaded, 170,000 km with new trans. at    140,000 km, like new tires, some rust. Asking $2300.00. Call (403) 820-3671.    37p38

 MID-CITY Property Management... Check our website Email Would you hire a physician to repair your dishwasher? Why leave a major responsibility to well meaning friends? We are professional Property Managers with a wide range of services. Call us at 403-823-7877 and we will set a program to meet your management needs.

FOR RENT... 1 bedroom home, heated garage, washer, dryer, central vac. Excellent location. No pets, no smokers. $700/month, must have references. 403-823-3925.    37c

FOR RENT... 4 plex in Morrin. 2 bedroom, all appliances. First and last month due up front. $665/month. Available Aug 1. Call Dave at 403-820-4100.    37p38

FOR RENT... 3 - 3 bedroom trailers c/w 5 appliances. Call for location and features. 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405.    37p

FOR RENT... Fully furnished 1200 sq ft house and garage from Oct. 31 to April 15/11. Close to downtown. 404 - 8 St. E. $900/month plus utilities. Mature adults only need apply. Phone 403-823-3284.    37p39

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom house downtown. Available immediately. $800.00/month  + utilities. For viewings please call (403) 823-8779.     37p

FOR RENT... We manage 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments and houses. For availability, call 403.823.2121 during business hours or go to     32tfc

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom main floor house in Drumheller. Double car garage, washer and dryer included. Non-smoking. $795 per month, $795 SD. Available immediately. Phone 780-995-2533.    37c

FOR RENT... Small 2 bedroom, 1 bath house with small garage and big yard. Available Oct. 1, prefer no pets. Rent $675. 403-932-6721.    37p

FOR RENT... 4 bedroom executive home, 5 appliances, 2 car garage. Available Sept 30. 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405.    37p



HUNTS PLACE APARTMENTS... Corner of Hunts Dr. and 2nd Street E. Quiet, adult oriented. garden patios or large balconies. Fridge, stove, drapes. Laundry facilities. Security door and intercom. No pets, no smoking. Phone 403-823-2823.

FOR RENT...  Quality 1 bdrm apartment available October 1. Quiet, adult, clean building. Info at 403-823-8577.    37c

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom apartment near downtown. 181 1st Street East. Available September 15. 403-823-2831.    37p

FOR RENT... 2 bedroom in Breaside, 645 6 Ave E., c/w S, F, free laundry, security doors. Available Sept. 30. 403-823-2406 or 403-823-9405.    37p

FOR RENT... Spacious basement suite, 1 bedroom. All utilities included, fully furnished. $600 monthly, $300 DD. Phone 403-823-6729. Available September 1.    37p


ATTENTION OILFIELD WORKERS... New beds, cable, A/C, microwave, fridge, bathroom. New lower monthly rates. Also available weekly. Phone 403-823-6844.    37c39

Room for Rent... by the week or month. Queen bed, living room T.V., full use of kitchen, non-smokers only. Call 403-823-3535.    37p40

ROOM FOR RENT... Greentree area. $320 per month. Bedroom in clean, quiet bi-level house. Utilities, internet included. Phone 403-695-7987 or email    37p39



Storage for rent for RVs, boats and cars. Reasonable rates. Fenced and locked. 403-823-2981.    23tfc

1 double bay, 3250 square feet with 2 large overhead doors. 3 phase power. Available Nov 1. Single bay, 1625 square feet. 1 overhead door. Ready to lease Nov 1. For inquiries, please call Rio 403-823-2981.    31tfc




HOUSES FOR SALE - Can’t find it here or on MLS? Check out     5tfc

CONDO FOR SALE... Ready to move into 2 bedroom condo in Keystone Towers 50+. $155,000. Phone Susan at 403-877-3721.    37p39



Mobile Home lots available. Located in trailer park. Conditions apply. 403-823-4499.    12tfc

FOR SALE... 3 bedroom mobile home May consider rent to own. Call Suzanne, 403-823-4499.        32tfc

SUMMER SIZZLER SALE! ... Save thousands $$$ BRAND NEW DLX ...16’ x 76’ (1210 s.f.) SRI - 3 bedroom/2 bath single wide ... Located in Greenwood Villa Park - Lot #104 ‘Full Service’ includes all connections, vinyl skirting, 8’ x 10’ deck, steps, all permits, etc. Immediate occupancy - Move in now for only: $108,900 (+ net GST) BONUS: 3 months FREE lot rent Call Bill or Suzanne: (403) 823-4499 (403) 820-2397 34c37


WANTED... Cultivated farmland in the Drumheller area for cash rent or sale. 403-321-0214.    49tfc

WANTED... Farmland to rent in Drum, Dalum, Verdant Valley area. Cash or crop share. Phone 403-823-9222.    18p17

LAND FOR SALE... In Starland County NW 20-32-18-4, 159.01 acres. Cultivated farm land. Asking $1300 per acre. Phone 403-335-9719.    36p39

LAND FOR SALE... On Twsp. Rd 30-4, 8 miles SE of Craigmyle turnoff W1/2 27-30-16-4 - W1/2 22-30-16-4. 390 Seeded Hay, 250 Pasture, Creek and 2 Dugouts. Powerline and Gas Well Revenue. Phone after 6:00 pm. 780-542-7600.                                         37p40


GRAIN FARM EMPLOYEES NEEDED FOR UPCOMING HARVEST AND FALL OPERATIONS - EQUIPMENT OPERATORS - CLASS 1 DRIVERS. We  offer excellent wages, benefits, seasonal or full time, advancement opportunities. Call Daryl at 403-333-3153 or        37p38

Large Scale Feedlot Operation near Acme, AB has openings for the following positions: Processors, Feed Truck Operators. We offer excellent wages and benefits. Permanent positions. Please fax resume with work references to 403-546-3709. Attn: Trevor.    37p38

Complete Ag Services out of Acme, AB is looking for multi-talented Class 1 Drivers. Must be able to cross border. All aspects of trucking will be required. Positions available immediately. Must have minimum 2 yrs driving experience. Fax resume with 3 work references & 5 yr abstract to Trevor at 403-546-3709 or call 403-701-7376.    37p38

South Central Alberta feed yard looking for a Mill Manager. Experience in handling and processing commodities is an asset but will train the right applicant. Please fax resume to Trevor at 403-546-3709.            36p37

FAMILY RESOURCE WORKER... The Kneehill Community Resource Program requires a Family Resource Worker for the schools and communities of Carbon, Acme and Linden.
This is a full-time contract from October 25, 2010 to July 29, 2011 to cover a maternity leave. Responsibilities include: • Social/emotional support of individuals and families • Assessment and referral • Liaising with schools, families and community agencies • Development of preventative education programs and groups • Working as part of a team • Working in schools and communities. Qualifications: • Preference given to University Degree in the Human Services field  • Travel is required, must provide own vehicle. Applicants should direct their resume, including references to: Kneehill Community Resource Program Hiring Committee 232 Main Street Box 400 Three Hills, AB T0M 2A0 Fax (403)443-5115 Closing date is September 23, 2010. We thank all the applicants for their interest in this position and advise only those applicants invited for an interview will be contacted.     36c37

HELP WANTED... Home care aide to assist middle-aged male with day to day personal care. Looking for immediate full time, part time and casual help in Morrin. Please contact Carrie, 403-772-2211 or 403-820-3651 for more information.        37p39

Experienced and skilled construction workers for Drumheller area. Must be physically fit, have own tools and reliable transportation, dedicated and hard working. Phone 403-201-3280.    37p39

Experienced site superintendent with at least 10 years experience for Drumheller area. Fax resume to 403-873-1986.    37p39



Very experienced painter. 20 yrs experience, will paint your house or building. Phone Ken at 403-823-8140.    35p38




Don’t let them foreclose ... I’ll pay your arrears and purchase your property. 403-820-3146.    4tfc



FOR SALE... 21 ft John Deere pull type swather, excellent condition. 403-368-2422.    36p38

FOR SALE... Case 725 PT swather, 25’ Bat reel, Kerr Shear. $4500 OBO Drumheller, AB 403-823-9462 or 403-823-0412 cell.    37p40

Flexicoil 5000 drill 33 ft, 12”, paired row, 5.5” rubber packers, Felxicoil 2320 TBH cart with 3rd tank for canola or inoculants, 10” auger, rear hitch. $50,000 Drumheller 403-823-9462 or 403-823-0412 cell.    37p40

FOR SALE... Canola swath roller, $450-. Please call 403-820-5622.        37p

Harvest Custom Combine NH TR 98 c/w 25’ straight cut header with p/u reel and pickup header available for Drumheller and surrounding area. 403-539-8846 or 403-321-0407.        37p38


Custom Bale Hauling. Call 403-787-2380 or 403-334-8297.    34p36

HAY FOR SALE, small squares 403-677-2238.    37p40

Custom bale wrapping for Sileage Bales Hussar. 403-321-0227.    35p37

Buying Barley and Wheat. Hwy 21 Feeders of Acme is buying Wheat and Barley for immediate or deferred delivery. Flat Prices or Basis Contracts available. Contact Ed at 403-546-2278 ext 3.     37p43

CUSTOM BALE HAULING.... Haul 14 Bales. Self Loading & Unloading. Get those bales out of that second growth alfalfa, eg. of cost to haul, 1/2 mile $2.75 per bale. 403-787-2380, cell 403-334-8297.


Tired of Paying commissions? Offering contracting and ranch direct Cattle purchases at competitive prices. Highway 21 Feeders. Lyle (403) 546-2278 Ext 6.    35p43 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


AL-ANON, Wednesday evenings, 7:00 Civic Centre. Call Lynne (403) 822-0008 or Carol (403) 772-2373.        26nctfc

THE HAPPY DESTINY Alcoholics Anonymous Group meets every Monday at 7 p.m. in the Badlands Room at the Drumheller Health Complex. “Open Meeting”.    8nctfc

Saturday Sunrise Meeting, Alcoholics Anonymous,  9 am, upstairs Civic Centre. Contact Helen 403-823-5593.     37nctfc

Have your eating habits made your life unmanageable? Overeaters anonymous is a fellowship that meets regularly for support on Sundays at 6pm at the hospital in the Badlands lounge. Contact Deanna at 403-436-0032 or Cathy at 403-820-7788.    34nctfc


ABANDONED VAN... To the owner of the orange van at The Salvation Army Church, please remove or contact us at 403-823-2215 by October 8, 2010 or we will dispose of it.    37c

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND CLAIMANTS... Estate of ROBERT JOSEPH BOUTIN who died on June 30, 2010. If you have a claim against this estate, you must file your claim  by October 15, 2010, and provide details of your claim
With:        Matthew James Boutin
At:    1-403-667-0291
If you do not file by the date above, the estate property can be lawfully distributed without regard to any claim you may have.

INVITATION TO TENDER... THE ROSEBUD HISTORICAL SOCIETYhas approximately 500 square feet of Commercial/Retail space available for sub-lease in the Rosebud Centennial Museum on a year to year basis. Interested parties are required to:
1. Submit a Business Plan
2. Be bondable and Insurable
3. Be responsible for Municipal Business Tax levy.
SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY Please forward submissions to: Tender Committee Rosebud Historical Society c/o P.O. Box 745, Rosebud, AB T0J 2T0 Closing Date: October 15, 2010 Lowest or any bid not necessarily accepted.Only those being considered will be contacted personally.


Please join us in celebrating Walter Albrecht’s 75th birthday on Saturday, September 18 from 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Lunch and coffee to be served at Newcastle Hall.    37c



I wish to thank Dr. Jordan and Dr. Graham for their excellent care and concern. Thank you to the nurses and staff for the excellent care, concern and kindness I received while a patient in the Drumheller Hospital.
Many thanks to my family and friends for their hospital visits, flowers and cards and also to everyone who phoned, visited and brought food to the house. It is all deeply appreciated.
Mary Pearson    37p

We would like to thank all our relatives and friends for your caring for us as we have gone through a deep valley in the loss of our husband and father, Earl Krabsen. Thank you for the many cards and flowers which have been such a comfort. Words cannot express our appreciation, too, for the many who visited Earl in the hospital and for your prayers for all of us. Thank you to Dr. Graham and the nursing staff at Drumheller Hospital for their special care for Earl over the many months.
Gretchen Krabsen and Family.    37p

The family of Al Rutz would sincerely like to thank all relatives, friends, neighbours and co-workers who attended Dad’s funeral service. We appreciated seeing you all there. Thank you for the many kind expressions of sympathy, comforting words and sharing of thoughts about Dad, telephone calls, cards of condolence, food, flower arrangements and donations to Drumheller Health Centre, Recreation Therapy Dept. - Special Purpose Fund and Heart & Stroke Foundation. A very special Thank You to the wonderful caregivers at the Drumheller Continuing Care together with Dr. Maseka, Dr. Tlhape, nurses and staff of the Drumheller hospital for the incredible constant care Dad received. Many thanks to Reverend Jan Richardson for numerous visits and support given to our family. We were deeply touched by the message you delivered for Dad’s service. Thank you for honoring him and capturing his spirit with such heartfelt words. Thank you to R & J Specialties for the beautiful floral tributes. They were magnificent. To Toni Wilson, organist, and Becky Neuman, soloist, thank you for the beautiful music and songs. Becky, you are amazing - we thank you for your unbelievable effort in learning to play and sing the special song we chose for Dad. Thank you to Double D Catering for serving a delicious lunch enjoyed by all. We appreciate you helping us out at our time of need. Lastly, we would like to thank Joyce Boon and staff at Courtney-Winters Funeral Home for their very professional assistance and for all their arrangements.
Georgi Schinnour and family
Patsy Stokalko and family
Randy Rutz and family    37p

We would like to say a huge thank you to our families, friends and neighbours for their acts of kindness in the form of food, flowers, cards, calls and visits to the house. Also thanks to St. Mary’s for the great care Dad received while there, the ladies for the wonderful lunch, and Andrew from Prairie Winds Funeral Home for his help and guidance in laying Dad to rest. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered.
Cliff, Ida and family    37p

I would like to say thank you to all the nurses and other staff at St. Mary’s for the excellent care my husband George received while there. At times you went above and beyond taking care of him and also making sure I was looked after. I would like to also say thanks to Faith for playing the music and Jocelyn for helping me in my time of need. Also to my family, friends and old neighbours for their words of comfort.
Myrtle Upton    37p

Thank you to Dr. Graham and the nurses at the Drumheller hospital for the great care given to Boyd the past two weeks. Your care and compassion will always be remembered.
Helen Grieve, Linda, Cindy, Brent and families.    37p


GARAGE SALE... 728 Bankview Drive, Drumheller. Friday, September 17, 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Saturday, September 18, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm,                37p

BARB’S COSTUMES... Downsizing children’s Halloween costumes, boys and girls, infant to size 8-10. 542 2nd St. SW. Saturday, September 18, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Sunday, September 19, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.         37p

GARAGE SALE... Saturday, September 18, 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. 1470 4th Ave NW. (Upper Midland).    37p

Carbon Baptist Church. Saturday, September 18, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.    37p

MOVING SALE... Bethel Church, 247 2nd Ave. East Coulee. IKEA daybed, shelves and frames, antiques, art, darkroom and mosaic supplies. FREE stuff too! Sunday, September 19, 2010. 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.        37p

GARAGE SALE... 201 1st Street Munson (indoor) girl newborn to toddler clothes, rototiller 8HP, household furniture plus 1940 furniture, household misc. Saturday, September 18, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.    37p

YARD SALE... Huge backyard white tent sale. Rain/shine. 112 Main St. Munson (back alley). Friday, September 17, 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Saturday, September 18, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. Something for everyone. Too many items to name. Free coffee.    37p

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