Who Are You? Tammy Jacobson | DrumhellerMail
Last updateMon, 13 May 2024 10am

Who Are You? Tammy Jacobson

_tammy.jpgAge: 32
Employer: The Sunshine Lodge.
Job Title: Kitchen Aid.
What do you like about your job? Working with seniors. They have great stories and it’s easy to keep them smiling.
Dreams or goals. My dream just came true. I always wanted to have my horses in my back yard, and now I do.
How long  have you been in Drumheller? Returned nine years ago, the valley has a way of pulling you back.
What are you hobbies? Horses and anything to do with animals.
Pick a favourite band? System of a Down.
At a System of a Down concert, are you on stage, in the crowd or a roadie? On stage.
Your favourite book? Precious Angels.
Favourite Movie? Legend, Old Yeller.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you bring? A Swiss Army Knife and a good ol’ Bic lighter. You can do anything with them.
 If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would it be? My grandmother, I miss her terribly.
What would you serve? Roast with Yorkshire Pudding.
If you had a time machine, when and  where would you go? I would go back five years with the knowledge that I have today, and change what I can.
If I had a million dollars… I’d buy a new truck and farm, and have a good party.
Words to live by? If it hurts , don’t do it.

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