Who Are You? | DrumhellerMail - Page #100
Last updateMon, 13 May 2024 10am

Who are you? Shauna Brown

shauna-brown.jpgFull name: Shauna Brown
Employer/Business: I have an employer which is The Royal Canadian Legion Branch #22 and a business, which is Tampogo, an online shopping mall which aims to help eradicate world hunger.
Job: general branch manager at the Legion.
How old are you? 41
How long have you been in Drumheller? I came in 1990.
Where are you originally from? Wawanesa in Manitoba.
What do you like about your job? What’s not to like about either one of them? The people at the Legion are amazing. As for my private business, it feels pretty good to be part of something that big!
What is the longest you have kept a New Year resolution? I don’t make them.
Will you be making any New Year resolutions? Just maintaining a good positive healthy lifestyle.
What was the single best thing that happened this past year? I think joining up with the people from the Legion.
Pick three words to describe 2009: 3 words? that’s tough....I am going to say positive, influential and pretty happy.
What was the biggest thing you learned this past year? Just to let it go and good things happen to good people.
Winter in Canada or in the sun? In the sun!
Favourite activity in winter: curling up with a good book.
What is one of your weaknesses? Sometimes I am too trusting.
One of your strengths? I think my biggest strength is being able to see the good in people.
What’s the most important decision you have ever made? I don’t think I have made that decision yet.
What skill do you most want to learn or improve this next year? I want to learn to build my business, by learning to deal more effectively with people.
What was your best achievement this year? Being a part of reaching our Tampogo goal I think was my biggest achievement, which was to feed 100,000 starving children by 31 December which we surpassed a few days ago.
Any unusual habits? Probably but I’ll keep them secret!
Which super power would you like to have? Invisibility...It’d be fun to be able to sneak around!
Words to live by? These are words that an older lady spoke to me, and it is to wake up each morning, be able to look in the mirror and know that you have never hurt anyone and to be able to live with yourself every day.

Who Are You? Shae Cook



Full name: Shae Cook.
Job: Owner of the Five Blue Heron Emporium.
How old are you? 43.
How long have you been in Drumheller? About 10 years.
Where are you originally from? Kamloops, British Columbia.
What do you like about your job? I can do things the way I want to do without having to ask permission.
If you were granted three wishes from an angel or genie, what would you want? I would wish that my house in Midland sold, that I could renovate my building downtown very easily and be out of debt.
What’s your favourite Christmas movie: The grinch who stole Christmas.
What’s your favourite Christmas food? Liver pate.
Will you be making any New Year resolutions? No, just continue to have a good time doing what I am doing.
Has reading a book ever changed your life? If yes, which one and why? Oh always, particularly Ishmael by Daniel Quinn because of its philosophy around how we can change the world to make it a healthier place environmentally.
If your life was a song, what would be the title? It’s a wonderful world.
Would you rather have the power to be invisible or the power to read minds? I already have the power to read minds! I wouldn’t want to be invisible as people would feel more uncomfortable.
If you were reborn, who would you want to be born as? A humpback whale.
If you found $100 what would you do?  Actually that happened to me about a year ago.  I tried to decide what to do with it, and then I decided to leave it on a window sill in the mall.
If you could retire tomorrow, what would you do? I would move to Mexico.
If you could travel back in time and meet yourself as a 10 year old kid, what advice would you give to her? Try not to be so hard on herself.
If you could be Prime Minister for a day, what would you do? I would give everybody a low interest no down payment mortgage!

Who Are You? Santa Claus


How old are you? As old as there are believers.
How many languages do you speak? All of them!
Where do you live? In the North Pole.
How many children do you have? Let me check with Mrs Claus...No, we don’t have any, we have all these elves though.
What do you like about your job? Flying through the air, on my sleigh with my reindeers on Christmas Eve delivering presents.
Do you get Christmas presents? If so, what do you want for Christmas: Absolutely I get presents, from the elves and Mrs Claus! What I want for Christmas is the same as the answer I hear from little children very often, peace on earth.
What’s your favourite Christmas song? They are all favourite songs, but I like Jingle Bells a lot.
Do you have a special Christmas dinner?  Yes absolutely!
Which are your favorite snacks? Milk and chocolate chips cookies, that I get from every household, that’s why I am so jolly!
What’s your favorite Christmas drink? Eggnog.
What makes reindeers fly? Magic!
Why has Rudolf got a red nose? So he can lead all the other reindeers through the fog and in the dark.
How do you manage to go around the world in one day? It’s magic!
Where do elves come from? How do you become an elf? Hmm, let me check with Mrs Claus…..they come from the North Pole she tells me, she also said you have to be born an elf to be one.
After all the deliveries are completely, how do you and Mrs Claus kick back? We watch TV and have some snacks.
Have you ever been too jolly? No, no, you can’t be too jolly!!
What do you do the rest of the year? Make toys!

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