News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3490
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Tag Team relay team rallies for co-worker

town-relay-team.jpgTown employees and Mayor Bryce Nimmo have formed the Tag Team in dedication of co-worker Mary Rottaire, who passed away in January of  pancreatic cancer, to walk in this year’s Relay for Life.  Local artist Rosalie Nimmo has donated a painting entitled Canadian Badlands for the team to raise funds for the walk. Members of the team include (l-r) Cindy Woods, Ed Rottaire, Kate Lima,  Ray Telford, Corrine MacDonald, Bryce Nimmo, Elin Gwinner, Karen Thornton, Marie Walroth, Stephanie Jones, Linda Handy, and Rosalie Nimmo. Missing is Steve Lima.

The Drumheller Aquaplex re-opening delayed a week

aquaplex.jpgThe Town of Drumheller is advising residents and visitors that the Drumheller Aquaplex reopening will occur on May 4th 2009. The reopening was delayed by one week due to supplier delays and some additional  renovations that were required. The Drumheller Aquaplex has been undergoing significant renovations over the last six  weeks. Larry Duxbury the project manager stated, “Town staff and other partners have done an excellent job with these renovations. I think the public will appreciate the new improvements”.


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