News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3520
Last updateWed, 12 Feb 2025 5pm

Happy Halloween!

halloween-kids.jpg(l-r) Avery, 2, Ella Guterson, 3, along with Dylan Weibel, 5, venture into the Little Boo at the Atlas Coal Mine. The coal mine's Big Boo and Little Boo events were open Saturday and Sunday, October 25 and 26, and will go one more time after Halloween on November 1.

Plebiscite approaches

People on both sides of the John Anderson Park plebiscite issue are looking for a strong turnout on November 3, the day the community answers the question whether the John Anderson Park is a suitable location for a community facility.
    Badlands Sportsplex and Community Facility Committee member Blair Christianson is encouraged by the support shown for moving forward with the first stages of realizing a community facility. He stresses how important it is to get out and vote.


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