News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3388
Last updateThu, 13 Feb 2025 10am

Council outlines corporate plan


 At the January 18th 2010 Town Council meeting the corporate priorities for 2010 were approved.
The Corporate Priorities include:
• Municipal Sustainability Plan
• Master Tourism Strategy
• Develop the Main Street Feasibility Role
• Implement the Downtown Traffic Study recommendations
• 10 year Capital plan
    Each of these priorities included a work program which included communication strategies on each project.
    Once of the main priorities for council in this quarter will be to implement the recommendations from the Downtown Traffic Study. For many years the Town has partnered with the Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants to promote downtown revitalization through land use planning and infrastructure improvements.
    The goal was to enhance the appearance of the downtown core and increase its viability as a retail district. It became very evident at these meetings that traffic flow was an issue for the community. Business owners and Town officials recognized the fact that a downtown revitalization plan needed to include a wide range of enhancements and improvements. The first phase of the program was to develop a traffic study.
    The objectives of the traffic study included:
• Current and future traffic patterns in the downtown area
• Additional tourism traffic as a result of the Canadian Badlands initiative
• Additional traffic as a result of the Badlands Community Facility
• Additional traffic due to population growth.
• The most efficient traffic flow for the public
• Current policies and bylaws regarding traffic and redevelopment
    The Town of Drumheller hired iTrans consulting a leading consulting firm specializing in transportation planning and transportation safety to provide recommendations. iTrans conducted traffic counts and reviewed patterns, and then made recommendations based on their findings.
    The research progression was very transparent and public. At the beginning of the process the Town of Drumheller informed the Drumheller and District Chamber of Commerce and the Downtown Merchants Association about the project. Once the draft traffic study was completed the Town Council and Administration hosted two public meetings. At these open meetings, iTrans Consulting provided 3 alternatives to improve traffic flow in the downtown core. Based on the input received from the meetings, the plans were modified and another alternative was presented.
    The alternate plan provided more parking for the downtown core. After being approached by two land owners Council purchased property which is intended for public parking.
    On November 9th 2009, Council voted to implement iTrans recommendation of alternative #1 which best suited the future plans for the town.
    Mayor Bryce Nimmo said, “The Downtown Traffic Study is much more than a parking issue. The traffic study addresses safety and traffic flow. The traffic study is an integral tool for the vision of Drumheller and ensures that it meets the long term objectives for development plans. The traffic study will be a component of the Tourism Master Plan which will promote Drumheller as a premier tourist destination. The long term goal is to increase consumer traffic in the downtown core and improve pedestrian and cycling options as part of a more sustainable road network”
    This road network will be detailed in the Municipal Sustainability Plan that is under development and expected to be completed by the end of June 2010.

New Year, New You


everybodysgym.jpg  The start of the new year is traditionally a time to reflect on the changes we want (or need) to make and resolve to follow through on those changes.
    Top New Year resolutions will include:
losing weight
becoming healthier
quitting smoking
bettering yourself
spending more time with family
reduce your debt
get more organized
have more fun.
    However, when the recent online poll on our website at asked whether readers had broken their resolutions yet, 75 per cent answered they didn’t make one.  

Scissors will be blazing at Cuts 4 Cancer Wednesday


    This year’s Cuts 4 Cancer at the Chop Shop is coming up on February 3, and even though a number of supportive residents are going all out for the day collecting pledges, organizers stress you don’t have to go bald to give to the cause.
    Cuts 4 Cancer has given thousands of dollars to the Drumheller Area Health Foundation to support cancer patients. This year they are aiming at raising $20,000 at the one-day event.
    Tracy Gendron says the driver of the event is for people to come to the Chop Shop on Wednesday, February 3 and simply get a haircut anytime between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. The funds from these haircuts will to go to the Drumheller Area Health Foundation to support a fund they keep to support those with cancer and their families to help them cope financially during their battle. Families can apply, for example, if their loved one is undergoing cancer treatment out of town and they are in need of support for some eligible expenses incurred.
    While the bread and butter of the event is donating the funds a person would usually pay for a haircut, there are some notable exceptions. This year, organizer Cathy Morse’s husband Rod is going under the razor, and is collecting pledges.
    Gendron says while the pace of pledges is brisk, they expect a flurry of activity come the day of the events.
    “It is going to be quite a surprise because we said the highest bidder will get the first swipe (at Rod) with the clippers, so I am thinking when he comes in there is going to be a full shop and maybe a bidding war,” laughs Gendron.
    Another to look out for, says Gendron, is Walter Albrecht. The regular Passion Play volunteer player participated last year, and it looks like he is on track to bring a substantial contribution to the event.
    "He has come in for probably 10 pledge sheets already,” says Gendron.
    This year they are also hosting a raffle to raise funds for the cause. A Chop Shop supplier has donated almost $1,000 worth of product, and they are selling tickets on three different prize packages.
    The Cuts 4 Cancer has become a tradition in the valley started by Cathy Morse in memory of her mother who passed away after a battle with cancer. Funds from previous events have gone to the Palliative Care Unit’s Bariatric room, and lounge at the Drumheller Health Centre, as well as the cancer unit.


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