The two recycling centres, located at the Drumheller Greentree Mall parking lot and opposite the 7-Eleven store are to be fitted with monitoring equipment to help prevent scavenging, confirmed Tammi Nygaard, landfill operations manager.
As previously reported in The Mail, February 24 edition, Nygaard updated inSide Drumheller the installation of monitoring equipment has now been approved.
“We are going to be doing it, it is just a matter of sourcing the equipment, figuring out where they are going to go, what kind of camera we are going to use,” she said, adding that the downtown drop off, now situated opposite the 7-Eleven, would probably be the first site fitted with the equipment.
“It’s more central and more open...We are anticipating a lot more abuse at that site because of its location.”
Nygaard also said they are experiencing problems with people not flatpacking their cardboard recycling.
“People need to break the cardboard down,” she explained. “Partially collapse d boxes open again when they are inside the bin, creating voids...We’d like more to be put in the container before we transport it because we are pretty much transporting air in some cases right now. We are trying to get the maximum payload on the bins so the revenue from the product will cover the transport costs.”