News | DrumhellerMail - Page #3509
Last updateMon, 17 Feb 2025 11am

A fling for Robbie Burns

robbie-burns-dance.jpgTo celebrate the 250th birthday of Scotland’s most celebrated poet, “Rabbie” Burns, the Sunshine Lodge was the host of a wee bit of spirit on Friday, January 23. Robert Burns was born on January 25, the writer of some of the country’s most recognizable songs, such as “Auld Lang Syne”. Alana Kakuk, 13, performs a traditional highland dance in front of the Scottish flag. Alana takes highland dance classes in Three Hills, connecting herself with her mother’s Scottish roots.

A fling for Robbie Burns

robbie-burns-dance.jpgTo celebrate the 250th birthday of Scotland’s most celebrated poet, “Rabbie” Burns, the Sunshine Lodge was the host of a wee bit of spirit on Friday, January 23. Robert Burns was born on January 25, the writer of some of the country’s most recognizable songs, such as “Auld Lang Syne”. Alana Kakuk, 13, performs a traditional highland dance in front of the Scottish flag. Alana takes highland dance classes in Three Hills, connecting herself with her mother’s Scottish roots.

Community facility top priority of ‘09

Mayor lays out goals for  new year
The construction of a community facility will be the priority of Drumheller Town Council moving into the new year, says Mayor Bryce Nimmo.
    The Mayor made himself available to members of Drumheller’s media on Wednesday, January 15 to outline some of the struggles and accomplishments of the previous year, and to map out a course going into 2009.  High on the list of accomplishments, and priorities moving forward is a community facility.
    Last year the town conducted a survey along with a census. This survey revealed support for developing recreation facilities. A successful plebiscite signaled the town could move forward on planning and building a facility.
    “The survey indicated it is important for our citizens, and secondly, it is at a time that more than likely when we get our funding in place, and decide what we would like in the facility, there is a good chance we could build that facility for less that we thought we could,” said Nimmo. “It appears the slowdown in the economy is helping a lot for projects that were getting out of line because of costs.”


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