Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, August 12, 2024 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, August 12, 2024


Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, August 12, 2024

Council received a presentation from the Drumheller Housing Authority. DHA was created in 1995 by the Minister of Municipal Affairs It manages 26 subsidized units in Greentree built in 1967, 24 subsidized units in the Hunts neighbourhood, built in 1971, and 20 affordable units in Sandstone Manor, created in 2009. DHA is managed by Century 21 Power Realty.
Council was presented with the 2023 Audited Financial Statement of the Drumheller Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Program. In 2023, there was $18,187,473 in disbursements for a total of $46,147,735 for the entire project to date. They estimated the 2024 budget of over $19.8 million as it completes the North Drumheller project, completion of East Coulee and Downtown berm Construction, Land acquisition, design and regulatory applications for Nacmine, Rosedale berm projects, flood buyout acquisitions and cleanup. Council moved that the Drumheller Resiliency and Flood Mitigation Program – Schedule of Disbursements - Year ended December 31, 2023 - be adopted as presented.
Council approves the Certificate of Approval and Resolution for Expropriation pertaining to the parcel of land described as Lot 6A, Block 10, Plan 0610286; Title Number 061 036 718 +1. A Resolution Approving Expropriation for a portion of this Rosedale lot was originally approved by Council on February 26, 2024, and registered with Land Titles. However, the property owners filed a formal objection to the partial taking on April 16, 2024, on the basis that it was unfair, so a second amended Council passed Resolution Approving Expropriation for a full parcel taking on June 3, 2024. The costs of the portion of the land purchase needed for the berm and associated legal fees for the proceedings are eligible for 100% funding under the Alberta Government Grant. The portion of the land purchase not needed for berm construction will be covered by the Town until the parcel can be subdivided and the remanent piece sold.
Council approved two Resolutions for Expropriation and Notice of Intention to Expropriate pertaining to a portion of land in Nacmine for Flood Mitigation.
Council held a Public Hearing for Bylaw #22.24, the Cambria Road Closure Bylaw. This bylaw is to close an undeveloped portion of the Road Allowance adjacent to 6th Avenue East in Cambria. 6th Avenue would remain open with a 46-foot width. There was one written submission opposing the bylaw.
Council went into a Closed Session and then adjourned.

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