Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 22, 2024 | DrumhellerMail
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Council Notes from the Regular Council Meeting Monday, July 22, 2024



Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Regular Council Meeting
Monday, July 22, 2024

Mayor Heather Colberg opened the council meeting by expressing appreciation to public works crews who have been busy with water main breaks over the last week.
Council approved second and third readings to bylaw 20.22, East Coulee River Drive West Road Closure. This is to close a portion of the right of way along the west end of River Drive in East Coulee to facilitate the construction of a berm.
Council approved second and third readings to bylaw 21A.22, East Coulee East End Road Closure. A road closure bylaw is required to close a portion of the right of way along the east side of the river bank in East Coulee to facilitate the construction of a berm.
Deighen Blakely, Project Director of the Flood Resiliency Program, provided council with an update on the project. Berms in Midland, Newcastle, Grove Plaza, Downtown Willow Estates and Phase One of East Coulee have been completed. North Drumheller and Phase 2 of East Coulee are underway, and East Rosedale and Nacmine are in the planning phase. So far, the project has cost just over $52 million and has a remaining budget of about 28 million. The office continues to look for more funding options.
Council approved a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval and Resolution for Expropriation for a Nacmine parcel. Originally Council approved expropriation for a portion of the parcel. The landowner objected to the partial taking, so an amended resolution for a full parcel taking was passed. The costs of the portion of the land purchase needed for the berm and associated legal fees for the proceedings are eligible for funding under the Alberta Government grant. The portion of the land purchase not needed for berm construction will be covered by the Town, until the parcel can be subdivided and the remaining pieces sold.
Council approved the 2023 audited financial statements. These were prepared by BDO. In its Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, the Town has an accumulated surplus of just over $200 million, made up of a net financial assets of $9,627,708 and non financial assets of $190,649,759.

Complete minutes from council meetings can be found on once they have been adopted.

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