Council Notes from the Special Meeting of Tuesday, May 19, 2020 | DrumhellerMail

Council Notes from the Special Meeting of Tuesday, May 19, 2020




Council Overview
Information from Drumheller Town Council Meetings
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Special Council Meeting May 19
Council renewed its State of Local Emergency (SOLE) to August 11. Council had been extending the SOLE every 7 days. The province passed legislation to allow municipalities up to 90 days.
Committee of the Whole Meeting May 19

Mayor Heather Colberg took a moment to recognize the Town of Drumheller’s Public Works crew during National Public Works Week.
FCSS coordinator April Harrison presented a report on the department. She provided an overview of FCSS. It is a unique program in Canada that provides preventative social services and promotes independence over social assistance. It is 80/20 funding split with the province based on population with considerations for median income. It focuses on prevention and early intervention. In 2018, 164 volunteers supported their programs contributing 981.25 hours. 4151 participated in FCSS programs.
She reviewed its changing priorities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. These include food security, mental health and addictions, transportation to shelters, family violence, housing and homelessness, children with disabilities, information about supports, access to technology, and support for youth and seniors. Many of these align with previous priorities outlined. It was successful in securing a grant for support during COVID-19 and along with other community organizations have applied for more.
Harrison asked for direction from council on whether FCSS should continue with plans as outlined to offer preventative social programs that meet identified needs during this crisis and beyond, and whether the council has the appetite for future discussion regarding FCSS structure such as forming a board, different reporting expectations or other priorities council would like FCSS to work on.