Enerflex MS Walk set for May 1 | DrumhellerMail
Last updateTue, 17 Sep 2024 3pm

Enerflex MS Walk set for May 1


    The Enerflex MS walk in Drumheller is coming upon its 13th year, and organizers are already preparing for the event.

    This year’s walk is on May 1. Last year’s walk attracted 118 walkers and 17 teams. It raised more than $28,000. Funds raised from the walk provide services to people living with MS and their families, and support research through the MS Society’s national research program.
    Local organizers invite past participants as well as new walkers to the event. Walkers have the choice of trekking on a number of courses from three kilometres all the way up to an 11-kilometre walk. All walks originate from the Drumheller Memorial Arena, where there will be all kinds of activities, including entertainment, walker support and snacks.
    A great way to get involved in the walk is through a team, and last year the teams were inspiring. Once again, the Peterson’s Pacers took the top fundraising award and were also the best dressed. The Carbon Clownarounds won most original prize, the Pink Panthers showed the most youth initiative and the most inspiring team was Grandpa’s Go-Getters.
    Registrations this year can all be done online by going to www.mswalks.ca and follow the link on the left side of the page called "Find Your Local Walk.” Potential walkers can also register by calling 1-800-268-7582.
    For more information, or to volunteer for the annual event, contact local walk coordinator Dave Watson at 403-820-4100.

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