Relay for Life seeks teams, volunteers | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Relay for Life seeks teams, volunteers


    Many hands make light loads, and as organizers prepare for 2011’s Relay for Life, volunteers are being sought by the committee to change the trend of dwindling attendance and funds raised.

    “We’re hoping those teams who took a year off last year are rested and ready to come back,” says organizer Shari Christensen, adding that few teams are signed up for the evening of June 10 and morning of the 11 date.
    Those looking to enter a team can register online at
    Entertainment is an area which the Relay organizers are looking to improve, as bands are being brought in to keep the walkers going throughout the long night.
    The first event had 80 teams, but as surrounding communities started their own Relay for Life events, the number has dropped from 40 two years ago to 20 last year. Twenty teams would be ideal, says Christensen.
    “If we could find some groups who have been in it in the past, that would be great,” says Christensen, adding that high school students looking for volunteer hours have a perfect opportunity to earn some easy ones at the Relay. “It’s an easy and good cause to earn those hours.”

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