Free Christmas dinner tradition continues | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Free Christmas dinner tradition continues

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A tradition built on the spirit that no one should spend Christmas alone continues with the annual free Christmas dinner.
The tradition has endured for decades, and this year once again Yavis Family Restaurant and The Salvation Army are hosting a free Christmas dinner with all the fixings for anyone who wishes to join. The dinner is on December 25 from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
“For several years, we have been providing Free Christmas Dinners to individuals and families who are experiencing hardship. With the holiday season fast approaching, we are determined to make it a memorable time for everyone, especially those who may not have the means to celebrate,” said one of the organizers Ken Routh in an appeal letter.
They are also accepting cash and gift donations for The Salvation Army.
There are also opportunities for volunteers.
“If you’re looking to make a difference in person, we also welcome volunteers to help us with various tasks On Christmas Day. Please reach out to Yavis Family Restaurant at 403-823-8317,” states the letter.
“It’s tough times in Alberta right now, there’s a lot of people that are having challenges, the last thing we want to see is people alone at Christmas and having challenges … just enjoy company and fellowship, that’s kind of what it’s all about.”

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