Drumheller RCMP launches holiday season check stops | DrumhellerMail
Last updateWed, 05 Feb 2025 3pm

Drumheller RCMP launches holiday season check stops

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As part of Public Safety, Traffic Safety, and Detachment Priorities, Drumheller RCMP has again launched the Alberta Checkstop Program for the month of December 2024.
The Operation will involve RCMP members and partner agencies establishing stationary check stops and conducting focused patrols for the purpose of actively seeking out and intercepting Impaired Drivers throughout the detachment area.
“The Drumheller RCMP and partner agencies have already held three checkstops since December 1 and as a result removed two persons from the roadways that were under the influence of alcohol. Such police operations will continue,” said Drumheller Staff Sargeant Robert Harms.
The Alberta RCMP asks motorists to remember the following:
Driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs is never okay. Impaired driving is both criminal and dangerous.
Mandatory Alcohol Screening is used by Alberta RCMP to deter and detect impaired drivers. If you are pulled over or at a check stop, you can expect to provide a breath sample.
Individuals with a Graduated Driver’s Licence must abide by the zero-tolerance law (Government of Alberta, 2023).
Impaired driving is always preventable and can always be avoided. Call a taxi or rideshare service, use a designated driver, or stay the night.
If you are attending a party and have consumed drugs or alcohol, do not drive. Find a safe ride home, or a safe place to spend the night.
Party hosts aren’t off the hook. If your guests have been drinking or using drugs, make sure they have a safe place to stay, or a sober ride home.
Call 911 immediately if you witness or suspect impaired driving.
The Drumheller RCMP wishes everyone safe and happy holiday.
If you have any information regarding impaired drivers, please call 911 to report. For more traffic safety information, follow us on Facebook @RCMPinAlberta and Twitter @RCMPAlberta.

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