Hussar’s Mill Rate drops this year, ratepayers see a bit of a break | DrumhellerMail
Last updateFri, 14 Feb 2025 10am

Hussar’s Mill Rate drops this year, ratepayers see a bit of a break

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Not everyone, but most property owners in the Village of Hussar have seen a reduction in their property taxes this year, according to Mayor Les Schultz.
The Mill Rate for the Property Tax Bylaw, that was passed by Council, has dropped by almost a full point from last year’s 12.45%.
The total Mill Rate for this year is 12.384% and the total value of all properties in Hussar are assessed at $17.8 million, with an expected municipal revenue of approx $185,000. Requisitions of 2.417% to the Education Foundation and 0.104% to the Seniors Foundation must be paid out, totaling over $40,000. The residential base Mill Rate is 9.863% which is down 0.099% from last year’s 9.935%. This is the money the Village puts towards their planned budget. This was possible due to a rise in assessments.
Hussar’s 2024 Operating Budget of approximately $185,000 is based on the revenue from Property Taxes to be collected, and will be mostly used to pay for the RCMP and Fire Associations services, and for the salaries, wages and benefits for Council members, Administrators and Public Works employees.
With little Capital Reserves left after the Village completed major infrastructure improvements, and is currently planning ways to fix the issues with the sewer lines throughout, they are doing so while trying to save the ratepayers money. The Mail received information from the Village of Hussar’s Mayor Les Schultz about these plans.
“We did a major project last summer/fall on water and sewer for a block of 1st Ave that cost around $800,000 and used up most of our Capital reserves. We are currently seeking and learning about alternative ways of addressing the water sewer pipelines that don’t involve digging up the streets, by putting liners in the pipes instead which reduces the cost immensely, probably 25% of what is currently being spent to dig everything up. It doesn’t work on all lines but most lines,” explains Mayor Schultz.
Taxes are already due by the end of June, and penalties will be imposed on unpaid taxes immediately after the 30th. According to Hussar’s Tax Penalties and Installment Bylaw 542-22. Section 3.2 of the Bylaw states “current taxes not paid by 30th day of June in any year will have a penalty of 12% imposed on them on the first day of July in that year.”
For so many families already struggling, tax time can be an increasing stress. The Village has a Tax Installment Payment Program (TIPP) available for eligible residents to pay their taxes, in equal monthly installments, through an agreement set with terms and conditions by the Village. More information can be found in Section 4 of Bylaw 542-22 and applications for TIPP should be accessible on their website or by calling their office at 403-787-3766.

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